Stroud as freshman makes Honors Dean?s List at TSU

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Nic Stroud, KHS Class of 2017, a freshman at Tarleton State University has been awarded recognition for his academic achievement last fall while enrolled the Honors Program. {{more: continue …}}

In his notification letter, Dr. David Weissenburger – Dean, College of Health Science and Human Services said,

?The Scholastic Honors Dean?s List is one of the highest honors Tarleton State University confers on our students. The distinction is the University?s way of honoring your academic achievements and recognizing your importance on campus.?
Stroud is a nursing major and is enrolled in the TSU Honors Program. He had a 4.0 last semester.
About the Honors program …
The Honors Core at TSU consists of 15 hours of lower-level Honors classes. Students will either complete 15 hours of Honors core courses or 12 hours of Honors core courses and a sophomore three-hour Honors Seminar. Students who complete the 15 hours with a 3.0 overall Tarleton GPA and a 3.0 GPA in their Honors courses will receive credit and recognition for completion of the Honors Core. Students who complete less than 15 hours of Honors core courses will receive credit and recognition for the courses they have completed. Students must maintain a 3.0 overall GPA and a 3.0 GPA in their honors classes to remain eligible to participate in the Honors Core.?


Honors Degree Program


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