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Sunday, December 29, 2024

Tarrant County reports 71 up from 59 – None in Kennedale

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Tarrant County has begun reporting cases of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) including locations, deaths and recoveries. {{more: continue …}}
According to the website coronavirus.tarrantcounty.com., Arlington has reported 14 with 1 death while Fort Worth has reported 24 cases. Nearby Forest Hill has one and Mansfield has recorded 5 cases. Kennedale has none.
Sources of infection ??
  • Forty-one (58%) of the total cases attributed to travel.?
  • Four cases have known community cause.?
  • Nineteen (27%) are unknown sources.
  • Seven are undetermined at this time.?
How information is reported …?
Information provided by counties varies. Tarrant County provides less than Dallas County.
There county officials postings include new cororavirus cases with an age range, gender and city of residence. Like Tarrant County now, Dallas includes how someone contracted the disease but also how many people are being treated at home versus in a hospital.
Tarrant County Director of Public Health Vinny Taneja told the Star Telegram that only recently had his department been given permission by the Tarrant County District Attorney to release the information by cities. And, according to Taneja, the age and sex of the individuals is not relevant public information and has no plans to add it to the county reports. Star



Tanja says the department follows the guidelines provided by the? Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, a the federal law that protects patient?s privacy.

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