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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Taylor steps down as Board President & Glenn rehired

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The May KISD Board meeting offered some surprises with the election of new officers and the hiring of personnel.
May is the month each year that the board reorganizes by electing officers for the coming year and it is the first full meeting for new board members. {{more:[read more]}}

{{t2:John Clark:}} and {{t2:Jack Dalrymple:}}, who were declared winners when they ran unopposed for two open positions on the school board, sat in on their first meeting. Clark fills a seat that was formerly held by Janet Adams and Jack Dalrymple fills a seat that was held by Stewart Richardson. Both will be in office until 2019.

{{t2:Joe Taylor:}}, who has been school board president since 2013, stepped aside after nominating John Hunt for the position. Hunt, who was first elected in 2009 was serving as the vice president. Taylor did accept the office of school board vice-president. {{t2:Leslie Carruthers:}} accepted the position of secretary. All were elected by unanimous consent of members present. Board member Rhonda Barnes was not in attendance.

Missy Glenn
In other action, the school board accepted the recommendation of Superintendent {{t2:Gary Dugger:}} to hire Missy Glenn to the newly created position of Central Office Administrator.
Duties were not specified. Glenn had resigned late last year and accepted a job in another school district. At the time of her resignation, Glenn was Director of Finance/Human Resources for KISD.
Glenn?s return was met with applause. She is scheduled to start June 6.

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