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The KJH Junior Thespians’ 2013 Spring Productions presents “Happily Ever After” & “The Peanut Gallery”

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The following was submitted by Christian Scott, Director of the KJH Theatre Program
One year after our fairy tale princesses from Cinderella, the Princess and the Pea, Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty, and Snow White have married their Charmings, their Happily Ever Afters have not been quite so happy and they feel they are stuck in the same rut they were in before they got married.? So, what do they do? They unionized in order to bring their grievances to King Frog. ?{{more}}See these princesses in action as they fight for their causes in Claudia Haas? short comedy,??Happily Ever After.?
Then, stay and take a peek in on the lives of the loveable residents in the permanent patients? ward of the Gimler Mental Health Community, when a new intern arrives and turns their lives upside down. ?Or is that right-side up? ?Either way, enjoy the antics and be touched by the lives of these insanely wonderful nuts in ?The Peanut Gallery? by C. Scott.
Happily Ever After is produced by special arrangements with Eldridge Publishing.
The Peanut Gallery is produced by special arrangements with the playwright.
See both plays back-to-back
Friday & Saturday, May 17th?& 18th
At 7pm in the KJHS Caf?torium
$5 for Adults & $3 Students.?


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