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Monday, February 24, 2025

The Man in the Cowboy Hat

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There is probably not a more familiar sight in Kennedale than the man who wears the cowboy hat. You can see him at almost every major event, be it something for the city or the school district. {{more: continue …}}
Even though it is a small town and a small school district (for Tarrant County), not many people can recognize a school board member or city council member on sight. Most know the man in the hat, the one they simply call Joe, as in Joe Taylor.? He is a long time fixture in the life of the community.
He is a supporter, period.?
Taylor is a member of the Kennedale Area Chamber of Commerce. He helped organized and start the Kennedale Rotary Club. He is supporter of the Kennedale Boy Scout Troop and Cub Pack.
He has served on more committees than ?you can shaking a stick at.? He attends almost every major event in the city and school district including countless football games, school plays, concerts, city celebrations and events – just ask his wife, Ginger.
He was first elected a KISD Board of Trustee member in 2000 and has served as both vice president and president in the years since.
Joe, truly, has been the face of Kennedale for so many and in so many different places. He has been and is a champion of the community and schools like no other. Whether you are a supporter or not, he has to be appreciated for his time and his effort on behalf of this community.
Early this month Taylor lost his bid for another term of office on the Kennedale Board of Trustees. The Board will honor is service on Thursday, May 17 at the regular KISD Board meeting. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. at the KISD Media Center on the campus of Kennedale High School, 901 Wildcat Way.
The public is welcome to attend this meeting.
It has to be noted though, it is doubtful that Mr. Taylor will be riding off in the sunset anytime soon.

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