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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Top colleges for your money by Money

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Seven hundred and twenty-seven (727) colleges/universities across the nation earned top ratings for a “superior education at an affordable price? according to Money. {{more: continue …}}
These schools said MONEY were enabling graduates to avoid heavy debt and succeed in the workplace. There are approximately 2,470 four year colleges and universities in the United States according informationplease.com – 625 public and 1845 private.
The ranking shows estimated prices in 2018-19 with and without aid, the percentage that get aid, median student debt, early career earnings and the average SAT/Act score. The midpoint for ranking of this list is #358.
#1 is Princeton University?s with an estimated cost of $67,700 and with aid it drops to $19,000. 58% of the students are receiving aid. Student average debt is $7500 with an estimated $69,800 in early career earnings. The average SAT is 1500 and ACT is 34.
20 schools in the Texas made the list, the top five in order …
#13 Rice University?s estimated cost is $64,700 with aid it drops to $23,700. 63% of the students receive aid with a medium student debt of $10,200 and average 1490 SAT/34 ACT.

#17 Texas A&M at College Station estimated cost: $29,000; $16,000 with; 54% receive, $18,000 average debt; $57,200 early career earnings; and SAT/ACT – 1190/27.


#27 University of Texas/Austin?- cost $26,700; $17,200 with, 80% receive, $22,300 student debt, $56,900 early earnings; SAT/ACT 1280/29.


#143 Trinity University/San Antonio?? cost $58,200; $30,700 with; 98% receive, $25,500 student debt, $51,100 early earnings; SAT/ACT 1270/29.


#212 St. Mary’s University/San Antonio?? cost $45,600; $18,100 w aide; 98% receive; $27,000 student debt, $47,800 early earnings; SAT/ACT 1040/22.

Completing the top 10 for Texas were ?
Also making the list from Texas were …

Texas best small colleges/universities (less than 5,000 enrollment)

Rice is #1 in Texas and #3 nationally, Trinity University jumps to #2 in Texas and #48 in the nation. Completing the list for top five small schools in Texas are #3 St. Mary?s/San Antonio, #4 Austin College/Sherman and #5 Saint Edward?s/Austin. See list Texas rankings for small colleges
Texas? best top 5 private institutions were …?
#1 Rice, #2 Trinity, #3 St Mary?s, #4 SMU, #5 TCU?
NOTES: Estimated price is the total cost of tuition, fees, room, board, books, travel and miscellaneous expenses, inflated to reflect likely charges in the upcoming academic year. Public college prices are for in-state students. After aid prices reflect the average price paid by students who receive any grant or scholarship. Percentage who get aid counts both need-based and merit aid. Student debt is the median for students who graduated. Early career earnings are self-reported in Payscale.com surveys by alumni three years after graduation.

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