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Friday, January 24, 2025

Tornado Survival

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Many of us have probably heard the word ‘tornado’ more times than we would like this past week. The most recent in El Reno, Oklahoma was an F5 killing 19 people. Sadly, many of these victims were in their car when the tornado hit.

“Cars, trucks, and mobile homes are much more hazardous during a tornado than site built houses, apartments, and commercial buildings.” Kennedale Fire Department’s Administrative Assistant, Kendra Hughes, warned.

So, what should you do if you are caught outside during a tornado? {{more}}

“…immediately seek refuge inside a substantial structure. If no shelter is available lie face down (arms covering your head) in a low place such as a ditch or next to mound.”

Hughes also went on to add what to do if you are inside,
“Lower floors and interior rooms without windows are safer than upper floors and rooms with windows. Interior bathrooms without windows and closets on interior walls offer much better protection than larger rooms. Lying under bedding or furniture will provide additional protection from flying glass and debris.”
It is important that residents are aware that Kennedale does not have designated public shelters, but all city buildings will remain open to the public during regular business hours.

Also, Kennedale does not have outdoor warning sirens, but there is an automated notification system which will place phone calls, send texts, and e-mail registered residents when a tornado warning is issued for Tarrant County.

To OPT-IN to be notified during emergencies for Kennedale residents:

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