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Thursday, January 30, 2025

Water Petition submitted for review and action on Monday

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The Kennedale City Secretary, Leslie Galloway, has posted on the City of Kennedale

Facebook page that the petition submitted for a recall of the water rate increase this year has been passed on to the City Council for action at the regular Council meeting on August 15. {{more: Read more …}}

Galloway said that the certification by her office of the petition was sent to Council and the filers on July 26th, and did state that there were adequate signatures, but that it was ?unclear? what type of petition had been filed.
referendum vs initiative …
She noted that the Kennedale City

Charter allows for several types of petitions but there are two that would be applicable in this situation. The first is a referendum petition which calls for a repeal of an action but only allows a 60 day window from the time the action in question has taken effect (January 29th) and the petition is filed. The second in question is the initiative petition which calls for a specific ordinance to be put into place. While the petition in question was called a referendum, it also presented a proposed ordinance.

Galloway said. ?I have no power to interpret nor confirm or deny the legality of a petition. My job is to ensure that there are enough signatures, verify those signatures (by comparing to voter registration records), and submit the petition to Council for consideration if it meets these basic requirements.?
issue to be settled by Council …

She went on to say that question of the type of petition will need to be settled by the Council but that the ?Council and staff are very clear on the desire of those who signed.? View the petition at http://www.cityofkennedale.com/DocumentCenter/View/2628

The next Kennedale

City Council meeting is set for Monday, August 15th at 7:00 p.m. in City Hall. It is open to the public.

Read the full statement by the City Secretary who is also the Communications Coordinator for the city @ Kennedale



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