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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Welcome to the ?new? Kennedale News!

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Thank you for visiting the new Kennedale News. I would like to introduce myself and let you know what you can expect from the News.

My name is Tim Smith and my wife, Martha and I are the new owners of the News. I worked as a teacher and administrator for the Kennedale ISD for 28 years before retiring in 2010. My wife is an adult education teacher with the Fort Worth ISD. {{more}}We raised our children here, all graduates of Kennedale High School. I will serve as editor with my daughter Katie Smith as assistant editor. I hope to have several columnists including my oldest daughter, Anna Collins. Through the Kennedale High School Careers program we will be utilizing students from the advanced audio-visual class as interns. The student interns will contribute articles, photographs, videos and technical assistance while they learn about the business and develop their skills. {{more}}

My vision of the Kennedale News is of a community online newspaper that covers the events and happenings with a focus on the people of this community and their stories. On this site you will find a community calendar; reports and stories from city, the schools and local businesses; updates on local sports, church activities and community organizations; and, photographs and video. A side note we are planning to put up football highlight video and perhaps live stream home games of the Wildcats including the award winning Wildcat Band. But above all we want to tell the story of the members of this community. We want to blend stories of the past with stories of those who live and/or work here now – giving a sense of where we have been and where the Kennedale community is headed.

I encourage you to contact us about stories or story leads, press releases about upcoming events, and calendar updates for your organization. I hope to develop an arts and entertainment section that allows for submission of short stories, poems and art work. Of course we have a free classified ad section (3 lines for garage sales, items for sale, etc) and opportunities for businesses to advertise their products and services. Please support our local (and growing) business community.

My family and I are excited about the News and hope you will allow it to become part of your lives. Perhaps in the future we will be able to once again publish a print copy of the News, in the mean time we will endeavor to make the online edition a quality source for local news. Over the next several weeks we will be developing this site adding something new and useful each day. I hope you like what you see and will continue to come back.

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