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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Wildcat bands advance to state in summer competition event

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Bands from the high school and junior high advance to finals
The Kennedale High School Symphonic Band and the Kennedale Junior High Band entered into two statewide competitions this summer and have advanced through region, area and now to the state final round which will be held on July 27th. {{more}}
The High School band entered in two categories the ATSSB Outstanding Performance Series (OPS), and the TMEA

Honor Band competition. These competitions are based on pre-recorded performances.

In the OPS competition, three contest tunes are judged separately in two categories: the ?March? and the ?Concert? categories. The KHS Symphonic Band?s recording of concert piece ?Symphonic Dance No.3? has advanced to the state level where it will be adjudicated against the top 15 recordings in State competition.

In the Honor Band competition, (the State equivalent naming the State Champion for Concert Band) all three songs are judged as a group. The KHS Symphonic Band?s recording has advanced to the state level where it will be adjudicated against the top 12 recordings in State competition. The KHS Wildcat Band is under the direction of Erol Oktay.

KJHS Honors Band
The Kennedale Junior High Honor?s Band, under the direction of Mr. Brown, has also advanced to the state level for the Junior High ATSSB OPS competition with their recordings of ?Make Way for Melody March? and their concert piece, ?Down by the Salley Gardens?.


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