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Zoning requests dominate Council agenda

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City Council meets tonight
The Kennedale City Council will meet in regular session, November 21, 2016 in the City Hall Council Chambers, 405 Municipal Drive. {{more:Read more …}}
Eight action items are on the agenda with 4 public hearing scheduled for zoning requests at 1115 Border Street, 700 Mansfield Cardinal Road, 1399 Jr Hawkins Rd and several lots in the Oak Crest Addition.

A work session will begin at 5:30 pm. with the regular session starting at 7:00 pm.. All meetings are open to the public.

Agenda …

II. WORK SESSION (NOTE: Pursuant to Section 551.071. Texas Government Code, the City Council reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session at any time during the work session or the regular session to discuss posted executive session items or to seek legal advice from the City Attorney on any ?tem posted on the agenda)

A. Discuss the fall/winter City Council scheduled meeting dates

B. Discuss Communication Plan

C. Discuss participation in a Health Insurance Consortium Staff Report

D. Discussion of items on regular agenda

A. The City Council may meet in closed session to discuss legal issues regarding litigation, settlement offers and/or claims and to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property regarding the following matters:

1. Keith Kidwill vs The City of Kennedale, Texas

2. 108 New Hope Road

3. 821 Corry A. Edwards Drive

4. New Hope Road Bridge Right-of-Way

5. 6727 Hudson Village Creek Road

6. Oak Crest Drive Right-of-Way

7. 532 Trent Street

8. 503 Kennedale Parkway

9. 6705 Oak Crest Drive

IV. RECONVENE OPEN SESSION: Take action necessary pursuant to Executive Session if needed.
V. REGULAR SESSION (7:00 p.m.)



IX. VISITOR/CITIZENS FORUM: At this time, any person with business before the City Council not scheduled on the Agenda may speak to the Council, provided that an official ?Speaker?s Request Form? has been completed and submitted to the City Secretary prior to the start of the meeting. All comments must be directed towards the Mayor and Council. rather than individual council members or staff. All speakers must limit their comments to the subject matter as listed on the ?Speaker?s Request Form.? No formal action or discussion can be taken on these items.
X. REPORTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS: In addition to any specific matters listed below, the city council may receive a report about items of community interest, including but not limited to recognition of individual off?cials, citizens or departments, information regarding holiday schedules, upcoming or attended events, etc.

A. Updates from City Council

B. Updates from the Mayor

C. Updates from the City Manager

  • TCEQ Stormwater Inspection Report.
  • Parks and Recreation Board (Deaver and Chandler).
  • Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept. ? Fishery Division

A. Executive Limitations

B. Ends Review – Balanced Scorecard

C. Monthly Financials. October 2016 October 2016 Monthly Financials

XII. REQUIRED APPROVAL ITEMS (CONSENT) All matters listed under incidental items (consent) have been previously discussed, require little or no deliberation, or are considered to be routine by the council. If discussion is desired, then an item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately
A. Consider approval of minutes from October 17, 2016 regular meeting City Council Meeting Minutes – October 17, 2016
B Approve Schedule of Investment Activity for quarter ending September 30, 2016 4th Quarter 2016 Investment Report
C. Consider authorizing the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Agreement with Tarrant County for assistance with ditch maintenance along Dick Price Road and the replacement of a culvert at 5th Street and Kenney Street Tarrant County Interlocal Agreement

D. Consider authorizing the Mayor to sign an Interlocal Agreement with the Fort Worth

Transportation Authority for Administrative Cost Funding for Section 5310 Program (from 2024 to 2026) Fort Worth Transportation Authority Interlocal Agreement
E. Consider extending the Development Agreement with HM Real Estate Management, Ltd. and Cynthia McMillan for two year Current Development Agreement-HM Real Estate/McMillan
A. CASE # PZ 16-12 Consider approval of Ordinance No. 609 regarding a request by Joe Boston, Jr for SOS Renovations, LLC for a zoning change from WAG? Agricultural to ?R-3 Single-family residential for approximately 1.5 acres in the W E Haltom Survey A-731 and described In a deed recorded as D213282537 in the Tarrant County deed records and located at 1115 Border Ln. Ordinance 609

1. Staff presentation

2. Applicant presentation

3. Public hearing

4. Applicant response

5. Staff response and summary

6. Action by the City Council

B. CASE # PZ 16-13 Public hearing and consideration of Ordinance 617 approval regarding a request by Jotin K. Dancer for change in zoning from R-3 (single family residential) to C-2 (general commercial) for .688 acres at 700 Mansfield Cardinal Rd. legal description of CA Boaz subdivision of JB Renfro. block 13, lots 4-7. Kennedale, Tarrant County, Texas. Ordinance 617

1. Staff presentation

2. Applicant presentation

3. Public hearing

4. Applicant response

5. Staff response and summary

6. Action by the City Council
C. CASE # PZ 16-14 Public hearing and consideration of Ordinance approval regarding a request by Joyce Stanton for re-platting of 1399 J R Hawkins Rd., legal description of Falcon Wood Estates Section One, Block 1. Lot 17, Kennedale. Tarrant County, Texas. The re-plat would create Lots 17R-A and 17 R-B.

1. Staff presentation

2. Applicant presentation

3. Public hearing

4. Applicant response

5. Staff response and summary

6. Action by the City Council
D. CASE # PZ 16-15 Public hearing and consideration of a request by the Kennedale Economic Development Corporation for re-platting of Block 5, Lots 1-6 and 12-16, Oak Crest Addition, Kennedale, Tarrant County, Texas. The re-plat would create Lots 1 R & 6R, Block 5.

1. Staff presentation

2. Public hearing

3. Staff response and summary

4. Action by the City Council
E. Consider approval of Ordinance 618 removing the Statute maximum for TMRS contributions a href=http://kennedaletx.boardsync.com/Web/GenFile.aspx?ar=3469>Staff Report
F. Consider Resolution 502 adopting an amended City of Kennedale Internal Controls & Cash Handling Policy Staff Report & Resolution 502
G. City Council to consider re-appointing Harry Browne to the Planning and Zoning Commission(Place 5) and appointing Chris Fuller to the Utility and Infrastructure Board (Place 7) Staff Report


In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Kennedale will provide for reasonable accommodations for persons attending City Council meetings. This building is wheelchair accessible, and parking spaces for disabled citizens are available. Requests for sign interpreter services must be made forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meetings. Please contact the City Secretary at 817.985.2104 or (TOO) 1.800.735.2989.

A copy of this agenda was posted on the City Hall bulletin board next to the main entrance of the City Hall building, 405 Municipal Drive, of the City of Kennedale, Texas, in a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times and was posted at least 72 hours preceding the schedule time of the scheduled meeting.

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