At year’s end, a thank you to all who “bring it on” for the city.


The City of Kennedale recently recognized all the local citizens and taxpayers who currently serve on the various city boards and commissions. This is the heart of what drives most of the actions and work that the City Manager and the City Council do. See Town City Herald.

Here are the individuals who served on the many different boards and commissions of the city. Note that there are a number of opportunities to serve and maybe more as present member terms expire. Current positions open, as the city has listed, are also given on the following boards and commissions.

  • BOARD of ADJUSTMENT/BUILDING BOARD of APPEALS – The BBA hears appeals of orders, decisions, or determinations made by the building official in their application interpretation of the technical provisions of the various building codes adopted by the city, and demolition of sub-standard structures.

Current members are Kelli Rod (Vice Chair), Azam Shaikh, Jessica Buchanan, Pat Vader, and Thelma Kobeck.

Four alternate positions are vacant.

  • Economic Development Corporation – The EDC is responsible for the development and implementation of a comprehensive economic development plan. Responsibilities include but are not limited to industrial, retail, tourism, and commercial development for the City, including proactively soliciting businesses, organizational, and resident input in the development of Kennedale and ensuring the coordination of economic development activities with the Kennedale Area Chamber of Commerce (KACC) and other regional and state economic development related entities. 

Members include Mark Yeary (President), Darold Tippey, David Dickinson-Cuniff, Councilmember James Connor, Jerod Reeves, and Tyson Eubanks.

Two advisory (non-voting) positions are vacant.

  1. Keep Kennedale Beautiful Commission – The KKB engages residents and businesses to take greater responsibility for improving the community’s appearance and environment; and develop beautification events, programming, and outreach. The membership of KKB also serves as the Tree Advisory Board and the Tree City USA liaison. KKB, unlike other advisory boards, allows for membership (of up to three seats) by those who are not residents of the City of Kennedale. 

Members include Kimberly Courtney (Chair), Laurie Sanders (Vice Chair), Keith Courtney, Linda Miller, and Wilda Turner.

Four positions are vacant.

  • LIBRARY BOARD – This board advises and formulates recommendations to city staff for all facets of library operations and planning.

Members include Jonathan Scheffrahn, Loree Boyd, Robert Mundy, Tamiko Sargent, and Tiffany Michels.

  • PARK and RECREATION BOARD – This board advises and formulates recommendations to the City Council for the use, improvement, and growth of parks and recreation activities within the City. The board is also responsible for the development and implementation of community events.

Members include Colby Cowan, Develle Coleman, Jeff Nevarez, Keith Courtney, Liz MacDonnell, and Stacy Scaief.

One position plus two alternate positions are vacant.

  • PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION – The P&Z Commission advises and formulates recommendations to the City Council for the development of land in the city.

Members include Michael Brown (Chair), Andrew Malkowski, Colby Cowan, David Dickinson-Cuniff, Mark Perkins, Michael Morin, and Perry Clementi.

Two alternate positions are vacant.

  • TAX INCREMENT REFINANCING ZONE #1 – The TIRZ Board of Directors shall make recommendations to the city council concerning the administration, management, and operation of the TIRZ. The board shall prepare and adopt a project plan and a reinvestment zone financing plan for the zone and submit such plans to the Council for its approval. 

Current members are Councilmember Rockie Gilley (Chair), Councilmember Brad Horton, Darold Tippey, Commissioner Devan Allen, Dr. Eugene Giovannini, Mayor Jan Joplin, Jill “J.R.” Labbe, and Susan Alanis (Proxy)

  • TOWNCENTER DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT/MUNICIPAL MANAGEMENT DISTRICT – The TDD functions as the oversight board for the Kennedale Municipal Management District (MMD) created in 2009 by the Texas State Legislature to assist in the development of the Kennedale TownCenter. The terms MMD and TDD are used interchangeably.

Members include EDC President Mark Yeary (Chair), Councilmember Austin Degenhart, Mayor Jan Joplin, Jerod Reeves, and Councilmember Kenneth Michels.

  • UTILITY & INFRASTRUCTURE BOARD – On request of the city council, the board shall provide recommendations and advice to the Council on policies, projects, and other matters pertaining to the water and wastewater system, the stormwater utility system, the street/transportation system, and the solid waste collection system.

Members include Mark Perkins (Chair), Andrew Malkowski, Darold Tippey, Jeff Gregory, Jeff Nevarez, and Marcel Terry.

Two open positions are open.

  • KENNEDALE YOUTH ADVISORY COUNCILYAC members serve one-year terms and can apply to be reappointed each year until they graduate from school. As with all boards and commissions, YAC members are appointed by the City Council. YAC officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Historian) are chosen by the membership.

In the current year, there are no members listed.

The 2020-21 Youth Advisory Council (YAC) included Ella Beene, Amaya Constantino, Allie Murphy, Luc Ngo, Jaiden Patel, Michelle Pham, Preston Roller, Christian Rockin, Lucianne Williams, Sara-Esther Adejokun, Agna Mathew, Audry Domingues, Scarlett Dow, Pfeiffer Galloway, Derek Guo, James Irwin, Gracyn Reed, Madison Fail, Taylor Poore, Megan Cerda, and David Nguyen.

Thanks to all for taking the time and making the effort to serve.

Interested in serving – apply HERE