Dedication Ceremony for Paul Basaldu by the Kennedale Alumni Association


This article is based on articles published by Laurie Middleton Sanders

A dedication ceremony has been set for March 19 at 2:00 pm to show the Kennedale Alumni’s respect and love for Coach Paul Basaldu.

A Memorial Marker and Bench will be dedicated in his memory at the “old Football Field” behind James F. Delaney Elementary.

All are invited to attend.

Background …

Paul was born June 29, 1930, in San Antonio to Mateo Basaldu and Simona Galindo. He was raised by Justo and Simona Martinez Galindo.

Paul was the male valedictorian of his high school class of 1950. Afterward, he joined the Air Force and served in Korea.

While in the service, he received four medals; National Defense Service Medal, United Nation Service Medal, Korean Service Medal, and also the Good Conduct Medal. Paul earned his BA degree from TCU and went on to teach in Uvalde, Texas.

While there, Paul was offered a scholarship at Rice University in Houston. He accepted and went on to earn his Masters’s degree. It was then he began his long successful career at Kennedale ISD as an educator and coach. He retired from the school district in 1993.

Coach Bas served as a teacher, coach, principal, mentor, and role model while employed by Kennedale ISD. As a teacher, he taught Texas history, and, as many thought, he made Texas history “come alive.” 

The memorial bench has been donated by Mr. Donald Grimes.  The memorial stone has been created by Memorial Monuments and was donated by Mr. Bob Samuel and Mrs. Brenda Biondi Samuel. 

The memorial stone will simply read:

In loving memory and honor of Coach Paul Basaldu, Sr., KISD 1966-1993 From the Kennedale Alumni