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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Pastor Nelda’s Advent Devotions

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The word Advent means arrival.  This refers to the arrival of Jesus Christ into the world. The “Advent season” starts four weeks before Christmas and concludes with the celebration of Jesus’ birth. Not all churches emphasize the Advent season in the same way. However, all Christians look forward to celebrating Christ’s birth during this season of the year.

Why was Jesus’ birth so important? The reason is because slightly over 2,000 years ago, God stooped down from heaven and became a human being: Jesus Christ. God magnified God’s love for us through this act. As the Bible says, “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us” (John 1:14). Think of it: God became a man! He did it because He loves us—and that’s what we should celebrate as Christmas approaches.

We all love Advent. It is a season of anticipation, excitement and joy. Lots and lots of joy. Even when we acknowledge that we aren’t ready for what is coming, for the realm that is promised, for the kin-dom we hope for. It’s difficult to admit we have fallen short; we confess that we are wrapped up in ourselves and in things that don’t last; we admit that our watchful waiting has fallen by the wayside. And yet, in this season, there is joy. We have a sense that we can start all over again, because the King is coming!

This season brings excitement! Certainly, you’ve done it many times before. Even though we are in the midst of a Pandemic, your family rituals should be honored and respected as much as you can. But there is something about the season of Advent that brings forth the kid in us, and we all lean into the hope. So, let the excitement grow; let the buzz be felt.

We will count down the days until the birth of the Christ Child together through these times of reflection back to what was happening in Bible times and, as we look ahead on our own lives and how we are preparing to celebrate this miracle and how to share His love with everyone we know.

I hope you will join us starting this Sunday, Nov. 29 right here on my Kennedale News column each day at 10:00 am as we spend a little time in God’s Word.

Have a wonderful Advent. I miss you all and my family and I ‘wish you a Merry Christmas!

“I don’t know how, but I know who!” Peace, Pastor Nelda

Reverend Dr. Nelda Barrett Murraine is Pastor at First United Methodist Kennedale 229 W 4th St. Kennedale, TX 76060

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