Councilmember Josh Altom offers his take on the recent actions taken by the Kennedale City Council.

Last night’s council meeting [January 19, 2021] was busy, we mostly spent time discussing our considerations for board appointments. We had a very high interest in citizens wishing to serve on our many boards this year. Some contracts for city manager to complete and a zoning change.
First, We approved the city manager to finish and move forward on two contracts. One EDC (Economic Development Corporation) owned property off Bowman Springs and Kennedale Parkway. Basically it boils down to the owner must build a 4 million dollar project or the city gets payed over $100,000.00 for breaching contract in a nut shell. The sole purpose of the EDC is to help stimulate the economy for Kennedale. This unusual property will now be on the tax role and the city will be receiving funds from that.
Second, we discussed the sale of another EDC owned property to TXDOT. It’s a small piece up by QT that they need for when they start the 287/820/20 corridor project. Basically improving that off ramp there.
Third, we were presented a project by some UTA students for senior housing. This is another EDC owned property. It is also up behind QT and will be affordable housing for seniors only. I’m hoping this sparks a growth spurt for that area because there is a lot of property’s for sale up there. This property also was changed from a residential zoning to neighborhood village.
Last, was board appointments. We had some outstanding applicants this year and I think we did an excellent job getting them in the best positions possible. Remember you also can help out our community and get involved by volunteering on our many boards. We have the following committees, Planning and Zoning, Keep Kennedale Beautiful, Parks, Library, Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone and our Board of Appeals. All these are vital in the growth of our city.
Any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact me. Thank you, be safe, stay healthy and God bless.
Note: Councilmember Altom is running for re-election this year.
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