Want go upscale for a little barbecue try ‘RING OF FIRE’ that includes Goldies BBQ


For those who have a little extra cash lying around, the Fort Worth Food + Wine Festival has tickets available for a “Rise + Dine” brunch or a Ring of Fire 3-hour barbecue cookout. These events are set for Sunday, April 1, 2023, and feature the top-rated chefs in the area.

The barbecue cookout is of note because it bills as first, Goldee’s Barbecue. Those not familiar with Goldee’s, it is located on the very edge of the Kennedale city limits on Dick Price Road. A hidden gem so to speak. The chefs Cecilia Guerrero and Kimberly Ovalle are considered among the top in their specialty.

Both events are at the Heart of the Ranch at Clearfork in Fort Worth, 5000 Clearfork Main Str.

It is an all-you-can-eat/drink affair lasting 3 hours, but it is heavy on the pocketbook. Tickets while they last go for $85 per.

The event is a promotion by Fort Worth Tourism and is in its 11th year. It is also billed as a scholarship benefit for culinary students. Tickets are available at fortworthfoodandwinefestival.com

More on Goldee’s …

Goldee’s Bar-B-Q, 4645 Dick Price Road, Fort Worth, 76140

For old timers around Kennedale, Goldee’s is located in the building that used to be Kenneth’s True Pit Bar-B-Q for years at 4645 Dick Price Road, Fort Worth, 76140. It remains much the same. Don’t expect a high dining experience if you decide to go out to the restaurant – more a country cafe. No dress-up is needed or expected. You are going for the food.

And it is on the small side. Really it is Kenneth’s True Pit as it was, just updated a little. It has limited hours and only on the weekend – Friday, Saturday, and Sunday; 11am-3pm “or sold out“.

Goldee’s even offers line tips if you are planning a visit to the restaurant…

We recommend showing up between 8-10 a.m. to guarantee the full menu. With that said, some things may run out and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

The line usually shortens by about 1-2 p.m., but we can’t guarantee the full menu will still be available at that time. We aim to have chopped beef, sausage and anything else that is left until 3 p.m. every day we are open.

Currently, the line for to-go orders is the same as the ordering line.

On the menu at Goldee’s

Read more about suggestions and rules of the operations here.

What is the big deal about Goldee’s, it has been rated the #1 BBQ Joints in the State of Texas by Texas Monthly. No small feat and it is in our backyard, so to speak.