Items of interest:
- under ?Work Session? a presentation by staff on a proposal for an automatic water meter system a system that will not only include remote reading of meters but also an automated billing system that would save the city money over the present system. {{more}}
- consider a change to present zoning prohibitions to allow for ?ice sales? from a free standing automatic ice dispensing facility that would include bagged ice, loose ice and water located 198 E Broadway.
- a proposal to change zoning to allow outdoor display of merchandize at 156 Broadwayconsidering an agreement with QuikTrip to construct a ?Welcome to Kennedale? entrance sign in the median of Kennedale Parkway.
The regular session is schedule at 7 pm 405 Municipal Drive, Kennedale, Texas 76060 Ph: (817) 985-2100
See a copy of the agenda and packet information here: