Softball fast pitch academy opens in Kennedale

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reprinted from the Fort Star-Telegram City by City
Sherry Werner, an expert on softball pitching and biomechanics, is celebrating the grand opening of her training facility.

The Sherry Werner Fastpitch Academy, at 5860 East Interstate 20 in Kennedale (on access road between Kennedale Parkway 287 and Bowman Springs Road), focuses on maximizing performance while avoiding injury and is based on 20 years of study and experience with pitchers at all levels. Werner and her six-member staff offer pitching instruction to about 150 girls, teens and young women from Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana. ?{{more}}

Werner?s instructional techniques include high-speed frame-by-frame video analysis of an athlete?s pitching motion. She also teaches pitching clinics and camps, provides coaches education and offers sport-specific strength, speed and agility training.

Werner, an adjunct professor at the University of Texas at Arlington, has a doctorate in biomechanics from Penn State.


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