The Kennedale City Council will meet Thursday (7 p.m.) in regular session and will consider and take action on the following items:
- a water and sewage master plan design by Freese and Nichols Engineering;
- review application for open city council position; {{more}}
- consider contract for or the assessment and collection of ad valorem taxes by Tarrant County;
- consider appointments to the 2014-15 Youth Advisory Board of Ashley Luu, Nadeya Patel, Emily Beck, Morgan Biscoe, Samantha Randolph, Nicholas Johnson, Danielle Quaye, Shelby Flowers, Alison Villaire and Jillian Melbourne;
- consider the appointment of Glenn Stark to the Parks and Recreation Board;
- conduct public hearing and consideration of Ordinance 546 and Ordinance 547 regarding a request by Oscar and Wanda Rountree and Patricia Beatty and Johnny Byrd for a zoning change from ?C-2? General commercial district to ?PD? Planned development district (residential) for approximately 6 acres located at 6559 Hudson Village Creek Rd and 4079 Kennedale New Hope Rd.;
- and, discuss and approve calendar for 2014-15 budget preparations.
complete agenda and packet information
All meetings are open to the public and held at the Kennedale City Hall, 405 Municipal Drive, Kennedale, TX 76060 ph 817-985 2100 City of Kennedale Directory