James Arthur?s senior connection

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James Arthur Intermediate School in KISD has a senior connection but not just with the seniors at Kennedale High School. James Arthur is a partner with the seniors at Green Oaks Nursing Home and Rehab Center. {{more:Read more … }}The partnership was established several years ago.
Earlier this year, students at James Arthur created a banner for the residents to use for their annual Senior Games which are held at UTA. Seniors compete with other area nursing facilities in events such as wheelchair races, Frisbee toss, crafts, dominoes, and spelling.
But there is more, J.A.A. performs a talent show each December and July at the home. Residents from the Green Oaks facility also attend J.A.A.?s spring musical each May.
Senior Care of Green Oaks is a skilled nursing facility licensed for 142 beds and located in the southwest side of Arlington at 3033 W Green Oaks Blvd. Senior Care of Green Oaks, opened in June 2007.

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