The Brooke Hester Hustle that holds the annual fun run and shuffle in Kennedale and raises money for childhood cancer research has met and exceeded its goal for this year. {{more: continue …}}
Sue Ann Soil, Race Director and Founder, had promised to get a ?gold? tattoo of something that Brooke, the namesake for the foundation, had drawn if $15,000 was raised. The actual amount that was donated $17,700 to Beat the Childhood Cancer.
Sue Ann had a ?heart? tattoo put on her wrist on September 29.
On September 19 the following was posted by Brooke Hester Hustle
HERE IT IS, you guys!!!! Please share! Every one of you helped us raise $17,700 at the BHH last month!! This is a new record! 100% of proceeds were donated to Beat Nb to support the research of the Beat Childhood Cancer group by Brooke’s Blossoming Hope for Childhood Cancer Foundation at CureFest in D.C. this past weekend. These folks are so passionate and responsible with their research for childhood cancers. They are doing the most incredible work in precision medicine that IS saving kids’ lives. I have personally toured their lab and have seen first-hand that they are fervently working to BEAT CHILDHOOD CANCER. This is real. This is thanks to you. We, the Hester family, are so grateful for every ounce of your support and for your caring about all children that have ever or will battle this disease.
A post was made thanking the Kennedale High School Band, Kennedale Chiropractic, Community Med Urgent Care & Family Care, Chick-fila Little Road, Mansfield Animal Hospital for their support and assistance this year.
The Brooke Hester Hustle is held the 3rd Saturday in August at Kennedale TownCenter Park each year. Its? name sake, Brooke Hester, died in 2015 of childhood cancer. The family has roots in Kennedale.Donations are always appreciated, mail donations to Brooke Hester Hustle PO Box 761, Kennedale, Tx 76060.