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Tarrant adds 227 cases in 2 days as state confirms 1,829 Kennedale unchanged

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Figures are updated by the Kennedale News every two days. Notations in red represent negative change, blue is positive change (no change is viewed as positive).?

Today, Saturday, April 25, 2020 Tarrant County reported 1,836 COVID-19 cases. This is up from 1,559?reported on Thursday, April 23 for a total of 227 new cases. {{more: continue …}}

Dallas County has recorded 2,834 while Texas has reported 23,773 cases statewide up from 21,944 (+1,829). Meanwhile, Kennedale remains unchanged with?2 cases?and 1?recovery.

Cases by race/ethnicity …

After a recent major update, Hispanics have the highest percentage of documented case at 27% just ahead of Whites with 26%. The next largest group is Not Reported at 23% while African-American dropped to 17% of all case reported.? Asian/Pacific Islands comes in at 5% of the total.

Curve is still upward but with a gentler slope …

The good news is that it is becoming less and less of a climb. Originally it was at a pace of doubly every two days. It slowed to a more gradually changed of doubly every 5 days.? If that pace of every 5 days had continued, Tarrant County would have seen case numbers as high as 2,941 today instead of the current 1,836.??

State officials still expected to see a leveling of the numbers statewide by the beginning of May but the actual numbers will vary from location to location within the state.?

Summary of most recent stats …?

Tarrant County reported 52 deaths (up 7) with 283 recoveries (up 21). There are 163 currently hospitalized (up 12). Dallas County has documented 77 deaths (up 12).?

The State of Texas has 623 documented deaths up from 561 (+62). Texas has reported a decrease of those hospitalized falling from 1,649 to 1,597 (-52) along with 9,986 estimated recoveries?up?from 8,205?(+1,781).

The City of Kennedale has no new case in the past week and remains at a total of 2 but list one of those as recovered and?no deaths.?No addition information provided.?

The border cities of Kennedale in the last two days all had increases with the exception of Everman. Fort Worth had 118 new cases. Forest Hill was up 2 cases. Mansfield had 6 new and Arlington added 50 new cases.?

73% of cases are ages 24-64, 52% are males along with 65% of deaths but most of those are age 65+ (updated figures) …?

As more cases in the county are documented, a clearer picture is emerging of who is affected by the the coronavirus and who is dying from it. It is not only an “old peoples” illness.?

The overall majority (73%) getting the disease are breadwinners between the ages of 24 and 64 and it is more likely that it will be the guys at 52% who will fall ill to virus as oppose to their female counterparts at 48%.

This has been a consistent finding since Kennedale News first started reporting the county stats (wavering only a precentage point or two in any of these categories). .?

Deaths by age grouping singles out the elderly …?

However, a majority of deaths are in the older ages (64+) with 60% of all cases reported.

There are no deaths from birth to 24. For the age range 25-44 the percentage is 8% and rises to 33% for ages 45-64. Grouped together, the age group 45 and up account for 93% of all deaths.?

Case reports by age groupings show similar pattern …?

The breakdown of illness reported by age group follows a somewhat similar path as the reported deaths with just 1% reported for ages birth to 14, 7% for ages 15-24, and 34% for the 25-44 age bracket.

For the middle ages of 45-64 it is rises to 39%. before dropping to 19% for the elder generation of 65+. If you combine the two middle groups ages 24-64, they account for 73% of all cases of COVID-19 reported in Tarrant County todate.?

Tarrant County Stats Breakdown (as of 4/21/2020):?

Type of transmission …

  • 24% – community known source
  • 38% – comunity unknown source
  • 13% – travel
  • 25% – undetermined

Case % by sex with % of deaths …

  • 52% are males – 65% of deaths
  • 48% are female – 35% of deaths

Case % by age with % of deaths …

  • 1% are less than 15, no deaths
  • 7% are 15 ? 24, no deaths
  • 34% are 25 – 44 with 8% of deaths
  • 39% are 45 ? 64 with 33% of deaths
  • 19% are 65+ with 60% of deaths

Case % by race/ethnicity … (Stats by death unavailable)

  • 27% Hispanic
  • 26% White
  • 23% Not reported marked unknown
  • 17% Africa-American
  • 5% Asian/Pacific Islands
  • 1% other

Surrounding cities reporting cases ?

  • Arlington ? 342 (up from 292), 43 recovered (up from 37), 4 death (no change). On March 24, 2020 the count was 14 cases with no deaths recorded.
  • Everman – 2 confirmed case (no change).
  • Forest Hill ?? 19 confirmed (up from 17), 2 recovery (up 1), 2 deaths (no change). On March 24 there was 1 case and no deaths reported.?
  • Fort Worth ? 782 confirmed (up from 664), 117 recovered (up from 110), 30 deaths (up 5). On March 24, 2020 the count was 24 with no deaths.
  • Kennedale – 2 confirmed (no change), 1 recovery (no change), no deaths. On March 24, 2020 there were no cases reported.
  • Mansfield ? 54 confirmed (up from 48), 15 recovered (no change), 2 deaths (no change). On March 24 the count was 5 with no deaths.?
  • Unincorporated areas ? 43 confirmed (up from 38), 7 recovered (up 1), 2 deaths (no change). On March 24, there no cases reported.?
  • Unknown location – 97 confirmed (up from 33), no deaths reported. (This data changes as locations are identified).

Note: Tarrant County does not publish actual location or neighborhoods in their updates. Reports list data is provisional and is subject to change at any time. Deaths and recovered are included in the total COVID-19 positive cases. Incidence rates based on less that 20 cases are considered unstable and should be interpreted with caution.

Sources for this article …

Tarrant County Stats: coronavirus.tarrantcounty.com

State of Texas Link: Texas COVID-19 Dashboard

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