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Wednesday, January 29, 2025

A Christmas Wish for Kennedale

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Peace and good will to one and all, especially our City Council.

Monday night, the Kennedale City Council meets in regular session with the meeting scheduled to start at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers. {{more: continue …}}

There is the faintest of hope that at the meeting a warming blast of Christmas spirit will hit the council and with a flash of understanding, they will stand and shake hands promising to respect each other even in disagreement. A thunder of applause will rise from the audience followed by smiles all around, just like in a Frank Capra movie (or for the younger generation a Hallmark feature).

But seriously, someone at some point has to say enough is enough. Our city name is being dragged through the mud as charges of lies, corruption, malfeasance and incompetence spew out on Facebook. If it continues, it will effect local businesses, our schools and our community?s ability to attract new businesses and development.
And, it is going to have to come from those in charge and what better time than at Christmas
After months of being part of the city government, the new council members have had plenty of time to discover evidence of supposed corruption which they haven?t. The old members have had plenty of time to realize that an equal portion of Kennedale have serious disagreement with the direction the city was seemingly headed and that there concerns are just as important as their own supporters.
That has to go both ways. The Council represent all of Kennedale.
Because of that, the recall petition is a mistake. The election last May was legal and binding regardless of how those who lost feel. The petition only reaffirms the idea that no one can or will work together and the City will remain divided.
Will Santa appear at the Council meeting Monday? Let?s hope.

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