In work session last Thursday, June 13th, ?discussed the following:?
- The current process for Advisory Board appointments. ?Advisory Board selection (the process for the appointment to the various boards) and board consolidation has been placed on the agenda. Currently the City Council is behind in the process to appoint new members to the various advisory boards and is looking at ways to improve the process.?
- Under review is the possibility of eliminating the Arts and Culture Board. Currently there are two members and five vacancies. {{more}}
?At the regular city council meeting following the work session, the Council took the following actions:?
- Authorized the city Manager, Bob Hart, to contract with Tarrant County Tax Office for the assessment and collection of taxes levied by the City of Kennedale for the 2013 year. This is an annual contract with an increase fee this year from $.90 to $1.10 per parcel.
- Authorized city Manager, Bob Hart, to enter with Tarrant County in an interlocal agreement to construct an addition to Link Street that would connect to High Ridge street in the Oakcrest area on the city?s northwest side. This is part of the long-term redevelopment of Oakcrest. Link Street will eventually connect to Kennedale Parkway (Business 287). Construction is expected to begin in January, 20?
- Authorized the Mayor, John Clark to enter into an agreement with Tarrant County College Board to establish a TIF (Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone). Tarrant County Hospital Board and Tarrant County have already agreed to participate. The TIF identify as Zone One is for the New Hope Road area and would allow for utility improvements, reconstruction of New Hope Road, park trails along a tributary of Village Creek, land for a commuter rail stop, and improvements to Bloxum Industrial park. For more on TIFs ?{{t2:click here:Tax increment financing is a tool authorized by Chapter 311 of the Texas Tax Code by which local governments can publicly finance needed structural improvements and enhanced infrastructure within a defined area called a reinvestment zone. A municipality establishes a TIF reinvestment zone according to guidelines in the Texas Tax Code and other taxing entities elect to participate in TIF by approving a participation agreement, which sets forth the percentage of tax increment the taxing entity is willing to dedicate to the TIF fund.}}
- Approved the Kennedale Police Department?s request to spend $18,009.00 in seizure funds to cover the partial payment of upgraded P25 police radios purchased in 2012. Seizure funds may only be expended on law enforcement related equipment and uses.
- Approved an amendment to the current zoning regulations that govern signs in Kennedale TownCenter. At issue is a proposal to replace the pole sign that was blown down by the severe storm and tornado that hit the city last year. The newsign would be wider and taller than currently allowed. The monument sign would include all the businesses that operate in TownCenter. To see the proposed sign?
{{t2:click here:
- Approved a rate increase of $25 (residents of Kennedale) for rental of park pavilions at Sonora and Town Center Parks. Nonresident rental would double. This is to be more inline with current rental rates in surrounding cities and to cover the cost of continued maintenance and improvements.
- Appointed Elias Noorzad, Nadyeh Patel, Ashley Luu as new members of the Youth Advisory Board for 2013-14 and reappointing current members Hailey Green, Morgan Biscoe, and Emily Beck. The Council provides a youth perspective the City Council on specific topics and also assists with city events such as Art in the Park.