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Friday, January 24, 2025

City looks at 5% budget reduction

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Public hearing set for Thursday
In anticipation of revenues dropping with no change in the current tax rate, the Kennedale City Council will study a budget that is close to one millions dollars less than last year. {{more:Read more …}}
Last year?s estimated total budget expenditures are expected to be $16,682,595 (the year does not close out until the end the current month). The proposed budget is $15,783,950 or a drop of $898,645 over that figure. Actually, it is significantly less than the 2015-16 adopted budget of $17,535,867 by almost $2 million dollars. Read more Proposed 2016-17 City Budget
same tax rate as last year …

The difference is that the Council is proposing a tax rate that will not generate an equal amount of money as last year or what is called the ?effective rate.? To do that, the tax rate would need to be increased almost a full cent to .77 47 cents. Rather the City is looking at keeping the rate the same as last year at .7675 cents. Actually, by law the City could increase the tax rate more than 5 cents before the city would have to hold a rollback election. Instead the City is looking at holding down cost and cutting where possible.

Brickworks Festival on hold …

Some of the areas that the City has looked at are in staffing needs. The City is not proposing adding staff but is reclassifying several positions. In the fire department one position would be upgraded to higher grade. Two positions would be upgraded in the Streets/Parks & Water Department. The Library would change one position from part-time to full-time and in the Finance Department one position would be downgrade from full to part-time. See more at Budget & Tax Rate Fact Sheet

One noted cut would be the Brickworks Festival which would be placed on hold until alternate revenue source can be found for it.
There will be less money in the several funds including court security, court technology, street improvement, water/sewer, water impact, capital and special revenue funds.
hearing begins at 7 p.m. …

Thursday evening beginning at 7 p.m. the Council has scheduled a public hearing to review the proposed budget. The city budget year runs October 1st to the last day of September each year.

Study the budget and come to meeting with your questions. The meeting is open to the public and citizens will have an opportunity to speak.

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