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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Commission asking for Information

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The Keep Kennedale Beautiful Commission (KKB) is conducting a short survey. The purpose of this survey is to determine where improvements can be made in the City of Kennedale.

The survey is online and has only 12 questions with a chance to make comments at the end of the survey. {{more}} Take the Survey!

The KKB commission engages residents and businesses to take greater responsibility for improving the community?s appearance and environment. This board is also responsible for development and coordination of beautification related programming, outreach, and events. The KKB also serves as the Tree Advisory Board and the Tree City USA support Group.
Commision Members and date term expires:
Pamela Breault Place 1 2015
VACANT Place 2 2014
VACANT Place 3 2015
Michael Chandler Place 4 2014
Wilda Turner Place 5 2015
Rachel Rogers Place 6 2014
Vickie Chandler Place 7 2015
Laurie Sanders Place 8 2014
Fred Winters Place 9 2015
Interested in serving on the Keep Kennedale Beautiful Commission? Find out more!

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