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Monday, October 21, 2024

Council Monday agenda dominated by zoning issues

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The Kennedale City Council will meet in regular session Monday evening beginning at 7 p.m. at Kennedale City Hall. {{more}}
The meeting will start off with updates from the Mayor, Council and the City Manager, followed by action on the following agenda items.
CONSENT ITEMS (All matters listed under consent agenda have been previously discussed, require little or no deliberation, or are considered to be routine by the council. If discussion is desired, then an item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately.).
  • Consider approval of minutes from December 15, 2014 regular meeting
  • Consider authorizing the City Manager to sign a contract with UTA for Village Creek Water Quality Testing
  • Consider authorizing the City Manager to sign a contract with H2O Supply for business incentives under Chapter 380
  • 2014 Racial Profiling Report
  • Consider authorizing the City Manager to sign an agreement with the Department of the Army for the Village Creek, Kennedale, Texas Feasibility Cost Sharing Agreement

REGULAR ITEMS (Zoning items will include a public hearing before Council action)

  • CASE # PZ 14-09 Public hearing and consideration of Ordinance 561 approval regarding a request by Delia Vela for a zoning change from ?R-2? Single family residential district to ?PD? Planned development district for approximately 1.98 acres at 6901 Mansfield Cardinal Rd, legal description of Jesse Russell Addn Lot 4.
  • Case PZ 14-10 Public hearing and consideration of Ordinance 562 approval regarding a request by the City of Kennedale to amend Section 17-430(i) ?Authorized Special Exceptions? and Section 17-431 ?Definitions? of Article VI ?Zoning? of Chapter 17 ?Planning and Land Development? of the Kennedale City Code to authorize the Board of Adjustment to grant special exceptions for special functions in single family residential districts.
  • Case PZ 14-11 Public hearing and consideration of Ordinance 563 approval regarding a request by the City of Kennedale to amend Section 17-421 ?Schedule of uses and off-street parking requirements? of Article VI ?Zoning? of Chapter 17 ?Planning and Land Development? of the Kennedale City Code and Section 17-431 ?Definitions? of Article VI ?Zoning? of Chapter 17 ?Planning and Land Development? of the Kennedale City Code.
  • Consider approval of Resolution 442 adopting a community revitalization plan for a portion of Kennedale overlapping with the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone boundaries
  • Consider approval of a citywide curbside recycling program and authorize the City Manager to sign the agreement
  • CASE # PZ 14-12 Public hearing and consideration of Ordinance 564 approval regarding a request by Kennedale Economic Development Corporation for a zoning change for approximately 19.46 acres from ?AG? Agricultural district to ?PD? Planned Development district at 1001 Corry A Edwards Dr, an unaddressed parcel on Bowman Springs Rd, 1021 Bowman Springs Rd, 1083 Bowman Springs Rd, & 1029 Bowman Springs Rd, legal description of Woodlea Acres Addn Blk 1 Lots 18A, 18B, 19R, 20R, & 21R.

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