56.2 F
Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Delaney?s Spring Fling A Big Success

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F. Delaney Elementary combined Cinco de Mayo festivities with a spring choir concert, calling it the first annual Delaney Spring Fling. And, it was a big success. {{more}}

Bilingual students from Pre-K and up performed with many of them dressed in Mexican custom clothing singing traditional Spanish songs and dances. The girls were dressed in Mexican skirts displaying flowers in their hair, and the boys topped off their shirt and slacks with Spanish sombreros.
Bilingual and dual language teachers Mrs. Lopez, Mrs. Sido, Mrs. Rodriquez, Mrs. Troche, and Mrs. Dorosky, along with the students, worked hard put the program together.
The Delaney Choir under the direction of Mrs. Jurchison followed by singing songs that they had practice and performed this year at many different events.

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