The following information is provided by the City of Kennedale Disaster Plan.Preparations for an Emergency {{more}}
Regardless of the type of disaster, preparation is key. Contact yourLocal Red Cross Chapter, visit the FEMA website or to make sure you are aware of the potential for natural disasters in your community. After you have identified the types of disasters that could strike where you live, create a family disaster plan that can apply to any type of disaster – natural, unintentional, or intentional.
Practice your plan so that everyone will remember what to do in an emergency. Everyone in the home, including children, should play a part in the family’s response and recovery efforts. Remember: make the plan simple so everyone can remember the details. Families should prepare an Emergency Supplies Kit also. This kit should have enough supplies to maintain your entire family for at least 72 hours. Cityof Kennedale Disaster Preparedness