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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Eleven ways to serve your city

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For those interested in local government or those who just want to get involved, the City of Kennedale offers a multitude of ways to give back to the community.? All require commitment. {{more: continue ?}}
All together there are 11 different committees or in city parlance – boards and commissions.? All depend on the community volunteers.? City Council conducts board interviews annually, and appointments are typically made at the regular council meeting in September. Now is a good time to apply.
Basics …?
  • Members serve two-year terms, and there are no term limits. Even-numbered board places are appointed during even years; and odd-numbered places in odd years. ?
  • Once appointed, all board members must complete the Attorney General training regarding the Open Meetings Act and the Public Information Act.
Ways to Apply ?

Eligibility Requirements
  • At least one year of residency in the City of Kennedale (and continued residency for the entirety of your service)
  • Currently registered to vote in the City of Kennedale?
Reading required ? Applicants will be expected to have a basic understanding of the following documents:
?Boards and Commissions (with links to descriptions) …
Advisory Boards The City maintains six advisory boards, five of which are advisory to Council, and provide feedback, updates, and recommendations on projects, actions, and other relevant topics.
Quasi-Judicial – The city currently maintains two quasi-judicial boards, which are tasked with enforcing public policy and making legally-binding decisions based on the authority given to the board by state law. These boards also provide feedback and updates Council:
Note: While these are, indeed, two separate boards, for the purposes of the City of Kennedale, all Board of Adjustment (BOA) members shall automatically serve as members of the Building Board of Appeals (BBA).
Separate Entity Boards – The City maintains three separate entity boards, which serve as advisory to City Council, but are separate legal entities from the City of Kennedale. These boards each oversee an independent affiliate organization.
Kennedale Economic Development Corporation (EDC or KEDC)
Ad-Hoc Committees, Subcommittees, Etc ? At any time, Council or authorized boards may initiate an ad-hoc committee to provide a linkage between leadership and residents to address a specific need for a limited duration. The initiation of these committees is left to the discretion of Council or the authorized board. Previous examples include:
Have questions contact Leslie Galloway, City of Kennedale City Secretary and Communicationss Director -? Email Leslie Galloway or Phone: 817-985-2104l

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