The Kennedale High School Headliners and the KHS Fine Arts Booster Club have announced the production of the musical Xanadu February 9-11, 2018 at Kennedale Performing Arts Center at Kennedale High School. {{more: continue …}}?

Based on book by Carter Beane with music and lyrics by Jeff Lynne and John Farrar. It is based on the
Universal Pictures Film with the screenplay by Richard Danus and Marc Rubel,
and presented by special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI).
Performances are set for Friday and Saturday, February 9 & 10 at 7:30 p.m. and again on Sunday You can buy tickets online at BoxOffice?
For more information contact Genevieve Croft, Theatre Director at 817-563-8167 or email at [email protected]