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KPD Incident Reports for August 5 -11, 2018

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The Kennedale Police Department reported the following 11 incidents for the one week period August 5?through August 11, 2018. The reports included a deadly conduct, burglary, theft, possession of control substance, and unlawful carry.?{{more: continue …}}

These reports and others were in addition to on-going investigations. These do not include calls where no report was written. Some of the offenses, after further investigation, may have been deemed unfounded.

Incident Reports …

8/06 – Deadly Conduct – Winterwood Drive: At 11:04 p.m. officers responded to a fight in progress. Dispatch stated that weapons may be involved and that one person had left the scene. On arrival a male was discovered to be in possession of two firearms and admitted to firing one of them. The male stated that his wife?s ex-husband had been at the residence to pick up their son. According to the resident, the ex-husband arrived at the home and approached with a handgun drawn. The male ran back into the home and returned with his firearm and began firing. The ex-husband left the scene. Based on the information provided to officers, the resident was placed under arrest for deadly conduct and transported to jail for booking. The case is still under investigation and further arrest(s) may be forthcoming.

8/06 – Burglary – Oak Crest Drive: At 6:00 a.m. a victim reported to police that he found a vehicle missing from his company lot. The vehicle was a 2000 Toyota Camry valued at $500.00.

8/06 ? Theft $2,500 to $30,000 – W. Kennedale Parkway: At 6:57 p.m. a victim reported that his 1997 Ford truck was stolen from a convenience store parking lot. The victim reported that he left his vehicle with the key in it while he entered the store. Upon coming back out a male was driving the vehicle away.

8/07 – Incident – Oak Crest Drive: At 2:58 p.m. a victim reported that he was bitten by a dog that belonged to a neighbor. The owner of the dog advised that the animal was not registered and was not current on vaccinations. The animal was quarantined per ordinance and the owner was issued multiple citations.

8/07 – Burglary – Oak Crest Drive: At 8:14 a.m. a victim reported that a vehicle on his business property had been broken into. Person(s) unknown broke the driver side window of a 2001 GMC truck and damaged the steering column. A storage shed was also broken into and a battery ?jump pack? taken.

8/07 ? Theft – $2,500 to $30,000 – W. Kennedale Parkway: At 11:00 a.m. a victim reported that a U-Haul trailer was taken from his property.

8/08 ? Vehicle Burglary – E. Kennedale Parkway: At 10:57 a.m. a victim reported that unknown person(s) attempted to steal a 2001 Chevrolet Tahoe from his business. The vehicle was not taken due to a security gate that prevented it from leaving.

8/08 – Possession Control Substance – Woodland Court: At 6:00 p.m. officers responded to a report of an intoxicated driver. The vehicle was located and the driver detained for investigation. During the interview officers determined that the driver was in possession of marijuana. Further investigation revealed him to have methamphetamine, Xanax, and heroin as well. The driver was arrested and transported to jail for booking. The narcotics were all placed in evidence.

8/10 – Abandoned/ Found Property – W. Kennedale Parkway: At 12:08 a.m. an officer observed two suspicious males behind a closed business. During a stop and interview of the two males, a bag of methamphetamine was found on the ground. Neither male admitted to possessing the drug, which was then seized as found property. One of the males was arrested for outstanding warrants from another city. He was transported to jail for booking.

8/10 ? Possession of Controlled Substance, Unlawfully Carrying Weapon – Mansfield Cardinal Road: At 12:08 a.m. an officer stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation. The two adult male passengers in the vehicle were found to be in possession of marijuana and several prescription narcotics for which they had no prescription. Both were also found to be in possession of firearms as well. One of the firearms was reported stolen out of Dallas County. Both males were arrested and charged.

8/11 – Assault Family Member (Impede Breath/ Circulation) -? At 1:23 a.m. officers responded to an assault. A female victim reported that her husband and she had been arguing. The husband grabbed her and struck her with his fist, and squeezed her throat in a choking motion. The victim exhibited marks consistent with her story. The husband was placed under arrest and transported to jail for booking.

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