Home Archive Kennedale ISD Wants to Assure Parents Security Plan is in Place

Kennedale ISD Wants to Assure Parents Security Plan is in Place


? ? ?In the wake of reports that the State Attorney General?s Office had place Kennedale ISD on the list of districts that were out of compliance with state required security plans, district officials have been scrambling to assure and correct that information. On Monday at a press conference in Austin, Greg Abbott, State Attorney General, said 38 school districts in Texas did not report their school safety plan and another 40 did not meet reporting requirements. Kennedale ISD was on the state?s list of district?s that had not reported their safety plan.
? ? ?Tuesday, Associate Superintendent Rick Edwards?had a copy in hand to show anyone who wanted to see the plan that was submitted last year in 2011 and on time. {{more}}He said that the mixed-up pertained to ?exceptions? or clarifications to the plan where the state wanted more information or explanation by email. The school district thought that all questions had been answered. Mr. Edwards said that Associate Superintendent for Facilities Mark Biondi?was working with the state to see what, if anything, was missing and answering any of their questions that they may still have.?
? ? ?Public Relations Coordinator Erin Hyden said that the first that she had heard about it was from a call late Monday afternoon from one of the local news stations. She was in contact today with the Attorney General?s Office and would have a statement prepared later Tuesday. She said that Superintendent Gary Dugger had just posted on the school website a letter address to parents expressing sympathy for the victims in Friday shooting in Connecticut and letting parents know that the district had security measures in place. ?Mr. Dugger in his letter said ?As superintendent of schools, I want to assure you that we are committed to maintaining a calm and safe learning environment for our students and staff. All Kennedale ISD campuses have intruder and lockdown protocols as part of their emergency procedures and are required to practice this training regularly.? ?Click to see district website? www.kennedale.net/site/default.aspx?PageID=1

? ? ?Ms. Hyden said that they will make the security plans available for the public.