Home Archive Mayor Presents “State of City” Address To Kennedale Chamber of Commerce

Mayor Presents “State of City” Address To Kennedale Chamber of Commerce


At the October Kennedale Chamber of Commerce Luncheon on October 10, a review of the city?s past present and future was given by John Clark, Mayor City of Kennedale. See a video of his presentation by clicking here: www.cityofkennedale.com/mediacenter.aspx?VID=11

How did he describe the city – ?growing and improving.? He then launched into a 30 minute talked that covered a full range of projects that the city had accomplished, that were in process and that are in the works. It was long and impressive list. {{more}}

Works checked off were:

      • in February the closing of the last sex-oriented business in Kennedale after a 10 year effort which has allowed positive development in the area as seen in arrival of the Quik Trip;
      • the development of Town Center commercial and public area;
      • the completion of the 2nd building in Town Center which now houses a doctor?s office, insurance office, dry cleaners, checking cashing business and a Subway (? Now we need to support those businesses?);
      • the demolition of 233 substandard structures since 2010 that has made ?raw land? available for development and ?it was done with less controversy,? according to Mayor Clark;
      • an updated and adopted Comprehensive Plan that has provided the guide for the city?s development;
      • the completion and dedication of the 9-11 Memorial;
      • the construction and opening of Fellowship Christian Academy (“A kernel that will grow“);
      • the completion of the Section House Replica which houses the Kennedale Chamber of Commerce and is used for meetings (?Its historical yet it is modern.?);
      • the addition of an early warning tornado system;

Current and future development activity included the following.

      • The QT Grand Opening scheduled for Nov 15th.
      • The construction of an entrance sign for the City of Kennedale with Quik Trip paying for the construction and cost. Mayor Clark cited the other entrance sign built by Kennedale businessman and resident Eric Elam from “his own money and on his own property”?as examples the positive contributions to the city by citizens and businesses.
      • The Kennedale Parkway landscaping project ?in cooperation with TXDOT is in progress and will provide landscaping along Kennedale Parkway including sidewalks.
      • The next step in Town Center development has been made with the completion of a concrete pad for the next building. The new building will house Chicken Express and at least one other business. Once that has been done then the current Chicken Express building will go down and the next and final building will go up along Kennedale Parkway.
      • Ongoing partnerships and participation with entities outside of Kennedale especially Tarrant County have provided for many current or just completed projects including the roundabout intersections, Bowman Springs realignment and reconstruction/resurfacing of Kenny, Sulfur, Broadway, Paula, Timberline and Alma streets. ?Other cities are now looking at our roadways and asking us how we did it.”
      • The involvement of Council members in organization outside of the city that represents the city?s interest in some way are providing needed sources of contacts, information and funding sources. John Clark serves on the Mayors? Council for Tarrant County and the Southeast Tarrant Transportation Project, Mayor ProTem?Brian Johnson serves on the Tarrant Regional Transportation Coalition and the National League of Cities Youth Education and Family Councils. Councilman?Kelly Turner is on the North Texas Council of Governments while Councilman?Liz Carrington is on the Clean Air of North Texas.
      • An effort in connection with North Texas Council of Government is currently being made to for a future ?a commuter train station in Kennedale (?We are actually actively pursuing land acquisition now. Kennedale is uniquely situation on a stop that would run from Midlothian, Mansfield, Kennedale and Fort Worth.?
      • The development of a Tax Reinvestment Zone that would spur commercial development in a parcel of land along Kennedale Parkway (287) and Kennedale New Hope Road which includes more than 500 acres that needs development or re-development is being pursued. It requires the cooperation of several taxing identities including Tarrant County, Tarrant County Community College District and Tarrant County Hospital District.?
      • Planning for the rebuilding, widening and landscaping of New Hope Road with medians similar to Little and Sublett as part of the Tax Reinvestment Zone which would help spur growth in the area. ?It would include hiking and biking trail development. The trail system would eventually go from New Hope Road across town through Sonora Park, the ball fields and eventually connect with the new Arlington Nature Reserve off on Bowman Springs Road.
      • An effort by the Police Department to control cost by developing a regional jail and dispatch cooperative with Mansfield and/or Arlington is being pursued.
      • Developing the Village Creek Master Plan which would provide for a nature preserve along the creek and clear out what is now a blighted area at a major entrance way to the city.
      • And a project that is in the works is the Oak Crest Development Area which that would include retail, restaurant, hotel, senior cottage and manor zoning in the northern entrance of the city.

Some the City’s awards and recognitions:

      • Tree City, Keep Texas Beautiful approved affiliate, 2011 TCMA City Council of the Year, 2012 TML Management Innovation Award, 2012 Community Spotlight Award Finalist, 2012 Texas Chapter APA on Comprehensive Plan and 2012 TML Conference on City Council/Staff Relations and being considered for Gold Medal for Transparency in Government.