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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Pastor Nelda’s Notes: Children’s Sabbath

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On the second weekend in October, The United Methodist Church recognizes Children?s Sabbath, a time to reflect on God?s gift of children, and ways congregations and individuals can renew their commitment to care for, protect and advocate for all children. {{more: continue …}}
The Children?s Defense Fund has led and organized the National Observance of Children’s

Sabbath Celebration since 1991. This ecumenical celebration brings together people of all faiths to address the needs of children.

?The focus for Children?s Sabbath is to look deeply at the needs of children, those local and worldwide, and pray for them,? shares the Rev. Leanne Hadley, founder of A Time for Children that coaches United Methodist congregations in developing ministries with children. ?The goal is to recognize the needs of children and pray; and during the prayer time, to discern where God might be calling us as the church and as individuals to act.?
We want to think of childhood as a carefree time of joy and happiness, but our kids’ lives today are very different. They have needs. They suffer. They worry. They need their emotions to be noticed and prayed for. That is what the Children?s Sabbath is all about.?
United Methodists and our predecessor bodies have a long history of ministering to the needs of children. John and Charles Wesley?s Holy Club taught the poor children of Oxford. John Wesley founded, led and wrote curriculum for the Kingswood School that grew out of the ministries of the New Room in Bristol, England.?
This observance is sponsored by the Children?s Defense Fund. The National Observance of Children?s Sabbaths weekend unites faith communities of every religious tradition across the nation. This observance will raise awareness of problems facing children and families in our nation (such as poverty, gun violence, and lack of health care). By acknowledging participating in this multi-faith, nationwide celebration, people of faith gain the inspiration of participating in a larger movement for children and help amplify the voice of our faith communities calling for justice.
If you come by the church on Wednesday nights, you will see our children, kneel a the Altar and pray for their families pray for each other and pray for our leaders. It is truly an experience that will inspire you. Thus our new emphasis on children in our congregation with the beginning of our “Children’s Church”.
Pray for this ministry in our congregation and for children around the world.
See you tomorrow at “Concert in the Park” and on Sunday morning in Worship!
“I don’t know how, but I know WHO!”

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Nelda
Kennedale First United Methodist Church is located at 229 W 4th St, Kennedale, TX 76060 Find out more @ The Mission Store and @ First United Methodist Church Facebook?

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