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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Pastor Nelda’s Notes: Things not always what they seem

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Things are not always as they appear.This was the case with the ?so-called? Triumphal Entry of our Lord Jesus. At first view, it seemed to be a time of celebration and rejoicing but as that week drew to a close, it was seen in full view as the greatest tragedy in history. {{more: continue …}}
On the surface, to be a hearty welcome is, in fact, a sign or warning. More than this, the triumphal entry (so-called) was not thrust upon Jesus by His disciples or the crowds; it was a deliberate act of His choice to precipitate the final events of His earthly life, as foreordained from eternity past. He was advancing into the jaws of the lion. This was Jesus? choice on our behalf.
Why then did Jesus carry through with this mission? Here are five reasons for you to consider.
(1) To fulfill prophecy concerning Himself. The gospel accounts stress that this act was the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, such as those in Zechariah 9:9 and Malachi 3:1.
(2) To safely enter the city of Jerusalem. It may not seem necessary, but the word was out to disclose the location of Jesus as soon as He appeared (John 11:57). Had Jesus attempted to enter Jerusalem secretly, He could have been quietly disposed of. Entering as He did, the religious leaders could not so much as lift a finger against Him (John 12:19).
(3) To publicly and symbolically give testimony to His identity as Messiah. Neither the crowds nor the religious leaders missed the implications of His triumphal entry.

(4) A proclamation of the kind of Kingdom which He was to establish. Jesus did not march proudly into the city of Jerusalem as a strutting military figure, nor did He ride on a spirited stallion. He rode on a donkey, symbolic of his humble peace-making assignment. This aspect of the triumphal entry was totally overlooked. Only the later events of the week would make this clear, and then the cheering crowds would turn their backs on the Messiah.

(5) To provoke the opposition and precipitate His own execution on the appointed day. Nothing could have been more of a catalyst to the opposing forces than this bold public proclamation. Now something had to be done, and fast!
Lord we, thank you for your mercy. We thank you for your grace. We thank you for your love.
We thank you for taking our place, for being our substitute, the Lamb that was slain. Hung on the cross, tortured and died so that our sins are forgiven and we will have eternal life with you.
I don’t know how, but I know WHO!”

See you Sunday!.

Pastor Nelda

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