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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Proposed budget moves to a public hearing with a possible light at the end of the tunnel

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City Manager issues budget update prior to public hearings

The Kennedale City proposed budget for the new fiscal year beginning September 1, 2017 has been reviewed three times by the city council and now the public will get their turn {{more: Read more …}}
A public hearing has been set for next Thursday, September 7 beginning at 5:30 to ask questions and have input before its final adoption at the regular council meeting September 18.
Prior to that public hearing the Kennedale City Manager George Campbell has issued an update on the proposed budget. You can see his complete statement with links at City Manager Update.
Highlights of the budget include …
  • funding a projected 20% increase in employee health insurance;
  • providing a 2% raise to city employees;
  • reduce base sewer charges from $45 to $36 and reduce base charges on 1? or greater water meters;
  • increase stormwater fees from $3.50 to $4.00 on the monthly utility bill;
  • reduce the amount of money being transferred from the water fund to the city street department that is being used to help repair streets including water and sewer repairs from 9% to 5% (franchise fee);
  • use capital debt funding ($4 million in Certificates of Obligation) to handle needed water and storm water projects instead of draining the annual budget for these capital needs projects;
  • plus maintaining (or enhancing) the current level of services to the public including fire, police, EMS, library, parks, water and sewer, streets, planning and senior programs;
  • the proposed budget would be funded primarily by a 2 cent increase in property rate (a homeowner with a home value of $225,000 would see approximately $45 increase);
  • the rest of the funds needed to finance the budget, amounting to approximately $220,000, would come from the city?s reserve fund (savings set aside to fund the city in times of great need). Note: This use of the reserve would cause the fund to drop below the optimal number set in established guidelines by the city.
Campbell said that in response to council requests, the city staff provided a ?comprehensive summary of options.? Those can be seen under staff memos at www.cityofkennedale.com/budget.
a positive note in what has been impossible situation …

The City Council has met three times to review options with the last meeting on Monday evening of this week, August 28. Apparently the last meeting, unlike others, ended on a positive note.

In response to an email inquiry from the Kennedale News and sent to the city council members in attendance at the meeting, council member Sandra Lee said, ?I think there was progress, there was no screaming or walking out.
Lee went on to say, ?We all want what’s best for Kennedale, it just we disagree about how to get there. Once we get to the point where we truly trust one another, we will see great progress.?
Former council member Mike Walker, who has kept an active interest in the council proceedings and post regularly on events, had this to say on his Facebook page,
?I heard good things about last night?s city council budget workshop.? Walker went on to say, ?Reportedly the tenor of the meeting was positive and the discussions yielded some consensus on the 2017-2018 budget. One citizen even saw Councilwoman Lee and Councilman Turner ?fist bumping.? Great to see our council working together!?
Don?t expect a ?kumbaya? moment just yet, but anything that has the possibility of toning down the year-long heated and destructive rhetoric is worth a prayer of thanks.

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