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Thursday, March 27, 2025


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Important voices not heard

Last night at the public forum sponsored by the Kennedale Chamber and the Arlington League of Women Voters not a voice was heard from the opposition. And, this was by choice. {{more: READ MORE…}}
Intentionally, the challengers did not show. What was the message that they were trying to send?
Was there a death or illness in their families? Was their time too valuable? Did they had other things to do? Will they speak only at a time of their choosing and to their choice of audience? Were they afraid or intimidated?
I am not sure. Most that were there, were left with unanswered questions. I hope that the missing candidates reach out. The Kennedale News will publish their individual responses.
a hope that each will reach out …
Granted, the questions were softballed by the representative of the League of Women Voters. It was obvious that the moderator was frustrated that the all the candidates did not show. But, in her defense, without alternative opinions or ideas, this is what happens.
The forum ended at an artificially imposed deadline by the moderator with questions still hanging in the air. There were those who came actually hoping to hear from both sides and to hear their specific questions addressed?
all voices should be heard …
Leadership comes from standing up in the face of opposition and it comes from individuals not groups. In the end, we will be electing three individuals to the city council who will have distinct voices and, that we hope, will be making decisions based on their independent judgement of the issues before them.
What are the questions for each of the no-show candidates left unanswered last night?
Who are you, Sandra Lee? Why are you running? What is unique about you? What skills do you have that can help us out of this crisis? What is the most important issue for you and how would you handle it?

Who are you, Jan Joplin? Why are you running? What is unique about you? What skills do you have that can help us out of this crisis? What is the most important issue for you and how would you handle it?

Who are you, Rockie Gilley? Why are you running? What is unique about you? What skills do you have that can help us out of this crisis? What is the most important issue for you and how would you handle it?
Who are you, Perry Clementi? Why are you running? What is unique about you? What skills do you have that can help us out of this crisis? What is the most important issue for you an how would you handle it?
From what I understand, one of the your concerns has been that everyone in the Council thinks alike and says the same things. Is this what we should expect from you?
Your personal voice matters. Let ‘s hear what you think?

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