Home Local Pastor Nelda’s Notes

Pastor Nelda’s Notes

Dr. Nelda Barrett Murraine
Dr. Nelda Barrett Murraine is pastor at First United Methodist Church
This Weeks Notes – 7-11-21

John 20:19 is the first time Jesus appears to His disciples after being raised from death. They are hiding behind a locked door in fear when Jesus appears to speak with them. Jesus shows physical evidence of His crucifixion, then gives the men a partial measure of the Holy Spirit. That Jesus appears in a locked room means that His resurrected body is not blocked by physical barriers. John and Peter saw empty grave clothes in the tomb, but the stone was moved aside. That open tomb, it seems, was a sign for Jesus’ followers, not a means for His escape. It allowed them to see what had happened but wasn’t done “so that” Jesus could come out.

Unbelief colors many of the resurrection encounters. Fear and shame fill the disciples. They cling to one another behind locked doors. The risen Lord comes bearing his wounds, in his side, in his hands and feet. He does not blame or chide. Instead he speaks words of peace, and gives them his best gift, his Holy Spirit.

Today Jesus, invites us also to touch your wounds. Then we can find God in our own wounds, and allow God to touch each and every one. Touch my hurts and my hardened heart with your healing hand. Then may we be a gift to others. 

Thanks Be To God!
Join us at the First United Methodist Church on Sunday morning at 11:00, as we explore “Why Do I Need The Church?”
“I don’t know how but I know WHO!”

Meditate on God’s Word daily. Your heart will appreciate your care and love.
Grace and Peace, Pastor Nelda
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