Just as a great amount of training is needed for athletic activities, diligent training is required for the Christian life. Such training takes time, dedication, energy, continued practice, and vision. The Christian life takes commitment. And once we have committed, we will find that the Holy Spirit begins to create in us the desire to play by the rules God has set in place (see 2 Timothy 2:5 – athletes cannot win the prize unless they follow the rules).

How to daily walk with Jesus

A. He is the way that leads to God. – John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

I. Daily spend dedicated time with God – It is important to block uninterrupted time each and every day to be with the Lover of your Soul.  If you’re not doing this already, think of a good time that will work every day and simply start with 10-15 minutes to be with the one who has the perfect plan for each. It’s always a thing of joy and great privilege to start each day with Jesus. 

II. Endeavor to daily read the Word of God – the Holy Bible!  

The Bible is Gods Word to you.  All of your questions about what to do or how best to live are in there.  Not spending daily time in God’s Word would be like going to work and never checking with your Manager about what to work on that day and just making up your own plan.

The psalmists wrote extensively in Psalm 119 about the Word of God, His Laws, and how they cherish God’s sacredness. His word is lamp unto the feet, and light to paths of life (v105). The word of God is a person (Christ, John 1:1,2), and is relational in nature. Thus, God’s word can be personalized. We can relate with His word by getting to know the person of Jesus. We do this by reading His word. 

Joshua 1:8  – Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

I pray you encounter Him through His word today!

III. Pray daily!  

There’s a saying in my community of faith where I grew up in Nigeria. 

My people say, “Prayer is the walking stick by which a christian walks with God.” 

Prayer is a Christian’s lifeline to communicate with God. Think about it, Jesus himself spent time to pray, and we need to follow His example. God speaks to us and leads us through the Holy Spirit in the place of prayer if we take time to listen.  God wants to talk with you and lead you in His ways.  Engage in exercising your rights as God’s children and daily talk with your Father in Heaven.

Mark 1:35  – Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

To be continued