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Council to consider school zone times and hold a public hearing for a zoning change along Kennedale Parkway Tuesday evening.

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Kennedale City Council Regular Monthly Meeting – Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 7 pm at Kennedale City Hall

The Kennedale City Council will meet in regular monthly session this Tuesday evening. All meetings are open to the public and time is reserved for public comment at each regular meeting.

This month there are several action items listed. Besides a review of the monthly city operation/business reports, the Council will consider a final plat approval, a zoning request change for an area along Kennedale Parkway, and a school zone ordinance involving standardizing school zone times for several of the campuses in the city. See the post agenda with links at City Council Regular Meeting 11/17/2020.

  • The school zone ordinance involves a designation for a portion of Mistletoe Drive as a one-street from Reeves Lane to Paula Lane during school zone times with consistent signage and the establishment of standardized school zones times for James F. Delaney Elementary, James Arthur Intermediate, Kennedale Junior High, and Fellowship Academy. A portion of the Staff Report provided the following explanation. (See more detail at Staff Report and O718_School Zones and One Way Designation of Mistletoe)

As a result of variations in the ISD class start and dismissal times at Arthur Intermediate, Delaney Elementary and Kennedale Junior High campuses, staff had recommended amending the ordinance (attached) establishing such school zones . The ordinance amendment would permit the staff to change the signal flashing times or the times listed on school zone signs if and when the ISD modifies their schedules. The Council postponed action during the last meeting because of questions as to the confusion caused in the residential neighborhood because of different times posted on the signs for the different schools and concerns about the efficiency of the “one-way” traffic flow on Mistletoe during school zone times.

  • Zoning request Case #PZ 20-14 is listed as a consent item and applies to a final plat approval for Magnolia Hills subdivision located off the traffic circle at Kennedale Sublett and Wildcat Way. The Staff Report provides the following information.

Magnolia Hills is a subdivision of 92 single family homes. The Magnolia Hills final plat (attached) has been reviewed by staff, including Public Works, Planning, Fire, and Engineering. This item has been placed on the Consent Agenda as approval of a final plat that meets all requirements is considered a ministerial task.

A compressed version of the final plans can be viewed at PZ20-14 Final Plat Magnolia Hills_compressed.

  • The zoning request change, Case #PZ 2-13, involves a request to change zoning for approximately 3 acres located at Kennedale Parkway and Bowman from the current commercial designation to a urban village classification. A public hearing will be held prior to consideration. In a summary of the proposal, the Staff Report offers the following information.

The EDC has been in communications with a developer (GBOH, Inc.) regarding the potential development of this property for 16 single family garden homes. This would be a walkable community that would include a pocket park at the corner of Kennedale Parkway and Bowman Springs. This use would be consistent with Urban Village zoning requirements for the site and the proposed Urban Village area, called in the Crossroads Urban Village in the Unified Development Code. It is anticipated that a mix of other uses can be developed on other parcels in the Crossroads Urban Village regulating plan.

The reference to the EDC in the above quote is to the Kennedale Economic Development Corporation. See a map of the area involved at PZ20-13 600 W Kennedale Parkway.

YouTube videos of past meetings are posted with a link on the city’s webpage.

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