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Friday, February 21, 2025

Letter From Mom

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“To God Be The Glory”

Dear Skylar,

I am so Grateful, God has been so Faithful!! When you were 6 years old, you looked me in the eyes and said “Mama save your money because you don’t have to worry, I will get College paid for!” Early on you were obsessed when you heard anything dealing with scholarships, you wanted to participate in everything of that sort.

Well God’s Faithfulness, and your Extremely Hard Work, Laser Focus & Dedication paid off! You have been working so Hard. I am looking forward to the promises of God faithfulness. You have always had a Purpose Driven Life!!!! I am so excited about your Future.

2.2 million and counting in Scholarships/Skylarships All Academic!!

Skylar you said, “God and Emory University chose me!” Your choice of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia was a great fit, Absolutely Beautiful, next door to the CDC/Emory Hospital so many Amazing opportunities are in store for you, my beautiful daughter!

I am so excited about your new journey! Overjoyed that God granted one of your biggest dreams to come true. You turned away several offers that were track related, because deep in her heart you wanted to focus on your goal of becoming a Doctor. Well you can rest knowing that your Academic Career is secured for these next 4 yrs! Debt Free College Experience!! Completely Paid in Full! God is Amazing!!! Skylar, I always knew you were an Eagle, Go fly my Love❤️Thanks for being exceptional & exemplary on steroids. I am honored to be your mom.

Love, Mom

by: Angenique Miles-Lewis

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