This month the year opens with the foretelling of major changes in our everyday travel habits and the forecasting of changes that are possible in our local public school system.
Want to be the first to know and to have a chance to provide feedback? Check the following for upcoming dates.
- January 2, 2023: Kennedale City Hall Closed

- January 5, 2023 – Thursday, 6 PM: Special Meeting of the Kennedale ISD School Board – Future Facility Needs. The public meeting is being held as a community meeting to discuss the future facility planning need of the district. It is the first effort in several years to update district plans and will include several opportunities for public input and direct participation. Location of the meeting – KISD Media Center, 901 Wildcat Way, Kennedale, TX 76060. The Center is located behind both the Kennedale High School and Wildcat Stadium. It can be accessed through the student parking lot. Additional Details
Future proposal meeting dates have been set for January 12, 19, and 26.

- January 12, 2023 – Thursday, 6 PM: – Town Hall Meeting – Public will be provided an opportunity to review plans and ask questions about the Southeast Connector (I-20, I-820, and 287) rebuild. This is a $1.6 billion project. Kennedale sits at the intersection of these three primary carriers of traffic in Southeast Tarrant County and these roadways are the primary entrances to the city. The construction is slated to begin in earnest this year and will be done in stages. The how and when the project proceeds will be presented. Additional Details
Location of the meeting: Kennedale City Council Chambers, 405 Municipal Drive, Kennedale, TX 76060
- January 16, 2023 – Monday: MLK Holiday KISD and Kennedale City Hall closed.
- January 17, 2023 – Tuesday, 5:30 PM: Kennedale City Council Regular Meeting
- January 19, 2023 – Thursday, 6 PM: Regular Meeting of the KISD School Board – KISD Media Center, 901 Wildcat Way, Kennedale, TX 76060.