32 F
Saturday, February 22, 2025

Pastor Nelda’s Notes

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In Exodus chapter 32, the children of Israel have been delivered from Egypt, they have crossed through the Red Sea. Pharoah is dead, The Israelites are fed with manna and quail, God’s given the 10 commandments, and now Moses is on the mountain  getting instructions from God.
The Israelites got tired of waiting:

“When the people saw that Moses delayed to come down from the mountain, the people gathered around Aaron, and said to him, “Come, make gods for us, who shall go before us; as for this Moses, the man who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.”

Here are a couple of Life Lessons we learn from Exodus 32.
1. Never get tired of waiting on God.
Life Lesson #1: Don’t Get Tired of Waiting on God.
We can experience Faith-Fatigue even on our good days, When fatigue sets in on us we cannot not get tired. We must resist the devil. Israel got tired of waiting for something to happen (or at least for Moses to return), they moved on, but in the worst way. They created their own god and worshipped it. While they were busy giving up, God was busy strategizing their pathway to promise. Today we still create gods out of things/people, allowing them to usurp God’s function. We give them praise while wondering why God never showed up. We prayed, but did we wait? We also think when we cant hear from and see God at work, we think God’s answer is NO. Or we may even think the “wait” is too long. God is always busy working on our behalf like He was with Israel. This Scripture reminds us, “But Jesus replied, “My Father is always working, and so am I.” (John 5:17)  Remember  even though the vision may tarry, wait for it.
Life Lesson #2: Know Who Your God Is.
The Israelites think Moses was the one who delivered them from Egypt. They misunderstood or lost their faith and think Moses is their god. They believe their god has gone missing or has possibly died. If Israel had realized this was all about God. They may have been willing to wait and watch a bit longer knowing that God never forgets us. The real lesson is, know your God. Know that God is our source, God is the one moving things around for you and aligning them in your favor. God is the one planning our breakout, parting your Red Sea and drowning your Pharaoh. God is God all by himself. He doesn’t need anybody else. God can handle things on HIs own. He the alpha and Omega, the first and the last, all we have to do is ask and God and God will give us the desires of our heats. When we forget that, it’s easy to walk by sight and not by faith. When you think it is the prospective employer that selects your resume, the counsellor that fixes your marriage, the boss that gives yo the promotion or the doctor that heals you, it’s quite easy to lose faith in the possibility of victory.  The bible says, “…the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits” (Dan 11:32). A “bold or daring feat”. Know your God! For God is our source and deliverer!

Tune in on Sunday morning, around 11:00 for our live-stream Service.
We will REOPEN FOR IN PERSON WORSHIP ON OCTOBER 18, 2020, unless the COVID19 cases in our area spike upward.

“I don’t know how, but I know WHO!”
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Nelda 



Along with the Administrative Council, First Kennedale plans to reopen for In-Person Worship on October 18, 2020. I am very excited about our upcoming re-opening. We have missed being together for Worship, seeing each other and hearing each other’s voices. We are concerned about the safety and health of our congregation and visitors. The Corona Virus is still very much a part of our existence, therefore we must adhere to certain guidelines placed before us by the Annual Conference, the CDC and the federal, state and local  governments. Each person must take their responsibility seriously in providing a safe and sanitized space as we gather together to Praise and Worship our Lord. 
We must continue Trust God!

Listed below are the guidelines that will guide us as we reopen for In-Person Worship:
Entering and Exiting the Building
There will be one entry and exit for our church building.  Greeters/Ushers will meet congregants at the Courtyard door. Greeters and Ushers will wear masks and gloves. Each person upon entering will remove their masks  have temperature checked to make sure no one has a temperature above 99.6 F. If the temperature is above 99.6 F, the person will be asked to return home. While an elevated temperature check does not indicate a member has COVID19, it does say an infection is in your body. Each person will be asked to wear masks if you sre entering the church for Worship. Masks must be worn by everyone (including children) for the entire Worship Service. Each person will be required to use the anti-bacterial substance provided upon entering. Those who have an underlying at-risk health condition please stay home. 
Clean Hands 
There will be 2 sanitizing stations available at the entry to the Sanctuary. There will be 2 sanitizing stations at the rear of the Sanctuary. There will also be Hand Sanitizers at the end of each available pew. Each person will be required to clean their hands.  We will encourage people to use elbows to cover coughs and sneezing, and not touching your face. Also no hugging, kissing or shaking hands.

Social Distancing
First Kennedale will follow the CDC mandate of Social Distancing, each person needs to distance themselves 6 feet apart. Families may sit together, but individuals must maintain the 6 feet distance (including 6 feet away from family units). Every other pew will be available for seating and will be marked.  We realize that this will not be easy, but we will make every effort to do so. Tape may be used exhibiting 6 feet spacing. Departure from the Sanctuary will be by announced by pew.
Environmental Cleaning and Building Sanitation 
In an effort to be safe in protecting our congregation from COVID19  will necessitate additional cleaning by our maintenance team. Prior to opening and after each Worship Service, the building will be sanitized.  High touch areas such as doorknobs, doorplates, tabletops, toilets bathroom sinks, will be sanitized cleaned with disinfectant. 
The Bathroom will be open, but members will be encouraged to take advantage of facilities before they leave home. (How will the restrooms be cleaned between uses) If you need to use bathroom, each person will be asked to clean up after themselves…next person using will clean up before using?)
Bibles, Hymnals, paper and ink pens will be removed from the pews. There will be no Bulletins provided for the Worship Service. The Order of Service will be placed on PowerPoint only. Ww will engage in Congregational Singing but masks will continue to be worn.
Tithes/Offerings will be dropped by each person in a Collection Plate at the at the rear of the Sanctuary.

Additional Concerns
We will partake of Holy Communion. it will be administered by individual Communion cups with wafer. The elements will be placed on a table and picked up as you enter the Sanctuary before you take your seat. 
For safety there will be no Sunday School classes until further notice. No childcare will be provided.

We continue to live through these uncertain times, not knowing what to do. Jeremiah 29 says:
 “For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.  Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me, says the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile.”
“I don’t know how, but I know WHO!”
Grace and Peace, Pastor Nelda

Reverend Dr. Nelda Barrett Murraine is pastor at First United Methodist Church PO Box 146 – 229 W 4th St. Kennedale, TX 76060

First United Methodist Church of Kennedale – https://www.facebook.com/KennedaleFUMC/

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