Holding a position of public office is a challenging role regardless of the size and location of a community. It comes with a great deal of responsibility and in my opinion, should be held by someone with dedication and experience within the community they are choosing to serve.
I moved to Kennedale almost 6 years ago and have been involved in some way much of that time. I sat on one of the committee’s which reviewed the water rates, served as both a member and as the chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission. I held Place 2 on the City Council from May of 2018 through November of 2020. My wife and I were regularly involved in the Thursday Community Dinner, which we hope will soon begin again as Covid-19 concerns ease. My work roles have included oversight of multiple retail units across state lines with staffs in the hundreds and financial accountability in the millions of dollars. I entered the US Army at 17 and was stationed in Germany during the Cold War. I also was a Police Officer in Farmington, New Mexico before returning home to Texas. Each of the roles I held have taught me something and many of these lessons can be applied to serving a community. The need to make decisions as a member of the Council is critical and is something which occurs on a regular basis. The accountability for those decisions is also part of the job. Sometimes results happen quickly but often the finality of the decisions does not come for months or years. When it does come you must be willing and able to accept the responsibility for the choices made when you raised your hand and cast your vote.

I have made many choices during my service to Kennedale and while some have met opposition, I have not shied away from making tough decisions and have not been one to avoid discussing those decisions with anyone who wanted to talk about them. I have continued to stay involved and remain concerned for the future of Kennedale and desire to hold a seat once again on the Council. I still stand for growth and development of Kennedale into a vibrant city. The metroplex is booming and you can simply look at how fast homes are selling to see people desire to live here. Existing homes in Kennedale are few yet most of them are selling quickly. New home sales are also strong as more and more citizens choose to make Kennedale their home.
I would like to say I agree with Councilmen Altom that if our opponents are elected the Council will once again be filled with animosity and the “business” of running the city will grind to a halt. Developers will quickly see they have little or no future with Kennedale and take their retail opportunities and developments somewhere else. So much progress has been made and the opportunities to have a bright future are endless if leaders with vision are chosen. I ask you to look at what each potential candidate represents when choosing who you will support. Do they have experience in leadership? Is their involvement in the community more than just criticism on social media? Can they / will they make the tough calls when the time comes? Do they wish to continue to look at the past to find fault and pass blame or do they have an idea and vision for where Kennedale is going? If you desire to see Kennedale grow and prosper, I ask you to show your support by casting your vote for me in May.
I will close with a famous quote which has been repeated in numerous speeches over the years.
“Some men see things as they are and say, why; I dream things that never were and say, why not.”
I choose to dream of things that never were and can see Kennedale grow and thrive as we move into the future.
Please support me as I take this vision with me to the Council.
Chris Pugh
Place 3 Kennedale City Council
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