Press Release: From the Campaign for James Conner III


For Immediate Release January 30th, 2023

James Connor Announces Intention to Seek Re-election for City Council Place 5
Two years ago, the citizens selected me to represent them as a councilman for the City of Kennedale.
In that time, I feel that I have listened to their wants and needs and have delivered on campaign promises like a lower Tax Rate, Communication, and Transparency. It has also been my intention to listen to what the citizens have to say and convey their message into actionable items for a better Kennedale.
Over the two last years, I have visited with many of you both personally and professionally. We, together have made Kennedale a place to live and work. Many of you wanted the streets fixed. Once, we had a city manager installed, we made that happen. As of this statement, 7 streets are completed. Also, many others are due to start in the spring and summer months.
Together, we have made getting our seniors a better environment to enjoy their golden years with the senior center opening back up and a package that now includes Meals on Wheels and a new program to help our seniors’ mental health, with more activities to help with their mental well-being.
We have also made strides to help our youth and get them to school safely with the Safe Routes to School initiative which will be starting construction soon.
In addition to all of that, we have had many community engagement experiences with the number of special events the city has planned. Bark in the Park, Kid Fish, and Trunk or Treat, just to name a few.
I have semi-weekly updates on my city’s Facebook Page to let you, the citizens, know what we are up to and how we are progressing, where I ask for feedback and take any and all questions and provide multiple sources for you to contact me if you want to contact me personally.
But, I don’t feel my time with you is finished. I know we have more to do…together. It is for that and many more reasons, I ask you for your vote again in the May Election. As a non-political person myself. I believe people need a voice and just like last time, I’m proud to be yours. The voice of the citizens.
Thank you for your consideration,
James Connor
City of Kennedale
City Council
Place 5