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“Explore, Dream and Discover,” Ajaz challenges classmates in valedictorian speech

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Syed Ajaz is Kennedale High School’s top academic student in the Class of 2014. Syed plans to attend the University of Texas at Arlington next year where he has earned the President?s Charter Award and will receive a scholarship of $8000 per year.
In the his Valedictorian speech at graduation ceremonies last week, Syed thanked his parents, twin sister Hina, friends and the grace and generosity of God. {{more}}He challenged everyone to seize the moment and act and ended with a Mark Twain quote that ended with ?explore, dream and discover”.
The following is the text of his speech at the 2014 graduation ceremonies.
“Well here we are. It?s been four long years, but we are finally graduating.

I would like to start by thanking my family. Mom and Dad, you have done so much for me over the years. You have always supported my decisions and actions. To Hina, you are the best twin anyone could ask for. You have always had my back. There is one thing you are wrong about, however. Nick Swille is perfect. I would also like to thank my friends. You have always been there for me. We have had so many memories and hanging out with all of you has always made my day. Finally, I would like to thank God, whose grace and generosity allow me to stand here today.
High school has been quite the ride. There have been ups and there have been downs. We stuck it out and now we are about to start the next chapter of our lives. It wasn?t always easy juggling a job, a sport, band and most importantly a social life. I will not mention homework because let?s be honest, how many of us have actually done any? High school does have a silver lining. No, it?s not the new Chick-fil-A, although that is a close second. These four years taught us the most important lesson- how to manage time.

Some say that high school is supposed to be the best four years of one?s life. Well, they are wrong. Each and every one of us has potential. The potential to do great things, the potential to succeed. High school is only the stepping stone to success. From here, our dreams can be realized. The lessons we learned in high school will lead to that dream job, that dream car, and that dream life. The foundation has been laid; all we have to do is build upon it.

Although our time together is coming to an end, I challenge everyone here to seize the moment. It does not matter where you are going. Follow your dreams and act. Strive to be the best. We can only go UP from here.

I will now leave you with a quote by Mark Twain.
?Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn?t do than by the one?s you did, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. EXPLORE, DREAM, DISCOVER.?

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