50.5 F
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Pastor Nelda’s Notes

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This weeks notes – 5-16-2021

This is the final Week of Eastertide. This Sunday is Ascension Sunday. May 13th is the actual day to celebrate the Ascension. 
For 40 days after his resurrection on Easter Sunday, the Bible says that Jesus travelled and preached with his apostles, preparing them for his departure from Earth. Ascension Day marks the moment Jesus literally ascended into heaven before his disciples, at the village of Bethany, near Jerusalem.

The ascension is important to Christians because of the fact that Jesus’ followers witnessed him ascending into the clouds and leaves no doubt that Jesus is alive and with God the Father in Heaven, and is no longer limited to living on Earth. Jesus is leaving, but Jesus is with us. Jesus takes his place at the right hand of God, returns to the circle of the Trinity, but at the same time continues to be present with us.
We’ve been called to go  make disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. One of our values is community. As we stand, on Ascension Sunday, looking to the Christ departing from us into heaven, we stand together. Jesus stands with us, side by side. And when our vision of who Christ is begins to waver, Jesus comes alongside of us to strengthen us. When you begin to wonder if it was all a dream, Jesus will be there to remind us of the reality of our experience of Christ. Christ prays that his followers would be united, would stand together as we embark on our mission. We live in the Resurrection and we celebrate the community of faith that we have become.

As we understand our mission we understand we do not exist for ourselves. We were not called to care only for ourselves. We are called to go into the world. We are sent by Jesus. We are to move out of our comfort zones to engage a hurting and broken world. So, we serve and labor in God’s Kingdom here on earth. We belong to Christ.
Tune in to our live-stream Worship Service at 11:00 on Sunday morning as we learn more about Jesus’ Ascension.

We thank God for all of you being a part of service and love to our community.
Please use our online giving link to support The First United Methodist Church of Kennedale and Mission Store/Food Pantry ministries. Thanks in advance!
You may also mail your Tithes and Offerings to the church. FUMC Kennedale – Post Office Box 146 – Kennedale, TX 76060
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“I don’t know how, but I know WHO!”
Grace and Peace, Pastor Nelda

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