The Next Opportunity


Opportunity is not always obvious. It can come along when downcast and discouraged or when least expected. Opportunity at times presents itself as a new beginning that feels like an ending, or a door that looks like a wall.

The mindset approach to identify opportunities is to be intentional, sensitive, and objective to possibilities. Imagine countless opportunities people miss for not paying close attention to God and His creation. Opportunity parades itself in difficulty, hardship, loving and hateful relationships, hurts, pains, etc. The question is, “Who is looking?”

Listed below are some famous quotes on opportunities that caught my attention. I am sharing them to buttress my point.
• “Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them.” (Anonymous)
• “Opportunities, many times, are so small that we glimpse them not and yet they are often the seeds of great enterprises. Opportunities are also everywhere and so you must always let your hook be hanging. When you least expect it, a great fish will swim by.” (Unknown)
• “Most people miss opportunity because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” –Thomas Edison
• “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.” –Albert Einstein
• “Every wall is a door.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson

In John 6:1-14, “The Feeding of the Five Thousand”, Jesus had preached to the people that gathered, and it was too late to dismiss them without food for they were far out of town. The concern was that they would not make it home without food. Jesus had already met their spiritual needs, and now He was interested in meeting their physical needs. Albert Einstein’s quote came to mind.

What did Jesus do to tackle this difficulty, and where lies the opportunity? Who saw it and took advantage of it? Let us see.
Jesus called his disciples and asked them for food knowing what He was going to do. Unfortunately, eleven of the disciples missed the opportunity. They failed to recognize this moment as an amazingly incredible time for Jesus to show forth His power and glory through a miracle. However, a disciple by name, Andrew said, “I found a little boy who has a few slices of bread and some fish.” Jesus now took the opportunity to bless the food and multiplied it before them, and there was more than enough for all to eat.

It is very easy to miss the opportunity presented by the little boy who offered up his meal that fed five thousand people. Many miss the opportunity to bless others. The boy could have hidden his meal or if selfish, refuse to give it up. However, I believe he was aware of what Jesus can do if his meal could get to the hands of Jesus. He looked, saw what is possible, and did not withhold what he had so he may possess what is before him in Christ Jesus.

This little boy became the unsung hero of that story. Think of the many lives he touched with his generosity. Think about the joy that came to many through his unselfish act.

I encourage you to maximize each opportunity as it presents itself to you. To God be the glory. Amen!

God help me to recognize the opportunities you bring my way, and cause me to act by faith in hope for miracles.

God bless you 🙏

Rev James Adeyeye
Sr. Pastor, Revival Worship Center
116, E. Broadway Street
Kennedale, TX 76060
Tel: 817-572-1127

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