Pastors Corner- All Things Are New by Beverly Robinson! 02/01/2021
I love to change things around! It’s My Nature- At Home, Church, Events and my life — permanent makes me nervous. A precious lady in our church named Gwen teases me…….I come to church to see what you have moved this time!
I think My Love for Change is my gifting! It makes me creative when I do Events! When March of 2020 hit, my thrive to CHANGE was interrupted! There was: No Easter Egg Hunt, No Easter Service, No nursing home activities, No ladies meetings and No Cowboy Day, (even though I tried very hard to make it happen,) and my way of pastoring even changed! It was Just as if it was all ERASED.
“ALL THINGS NEW” took on a new meaning for me; HOWEVER MY DESIRE AND COMMITMENT TO GOD REMAINED Strong! In my search for identity, ONE THING remains Constant- GODS WORD! Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever- Covid or no Covid!

God knew in ADVANCE! What was going to happen! He was the same God in 2019 as He was in 2020! God is still the alpha and omega, beginning and the end, the first and the last…God is still Leading us…..The Steps of a Righteous Man are ordered by the Lord! Jesus is still at he right hand of the Father making intercession for us!!He still has People, He still has a plan, He still has a beautiful purpose for each of us!
My event board maybe got erased…..but His plan for me definitely did not! I had to look around to see what God was doing and then He begin to show me so much in the little things!!SIMPLICITY Seemed TO STAND OUT in a Big Way! Remember the pencil and paper days? I found this planner, Got my pencil and paper and began to write down any ideas or thoughts that was ever so simple! WITH ALL THE STRESS……to survive, I had to simplify!! I began to Appreciate what I do Have, my Family, Friends my Church…
Life and Death are in the power of the tongue! What comes out of your mouth has power!! So I began to speak good things and praise Him even when I didn’t feel it! “What You surround yourself with is what you become…….whether it is people, books, tv, radio, surround yourself with good things- candles that you like- (one of my favorite things is to enjoy a candle burning while I work) and look for the things that bring you peace- sea shells on your desk, turtles that your daughter brings you from vacation! LITTLE THINGS HAVE POWER!!
Did you know the reverse has the same effect!!! FEAR WORKS LIKE FAITH. The more attention you give to Fear, it grows greater and greater and can consume us! My Apple Watch tells me when I need to breath; usually when I’m stressed, so I stop and think – I don’t want to go there!
God showed me That He still wanted me to use my gifts- They just have to ADAPT to the situation! … I wrote myself notes on my computer such as: DON’T SHRINK YOUR DREAM, ENLARGE YOUR FAITH!! You still have gifts, callings, and purpose even when your world seems shut down! God will give you what you need, He will give you IDEAS for your goals, Plans for Your Home and Ideas for a NEW BUSINESS!
GOD WILL MEET YOU AT the Point of YOUR NEED! ALL THINGS ARE NEW!! Expect NEW PLANS FROM GOD, New Doors to Open, a New Word for Direction and a New Purpose That will help so many people! Feed the things that are valuable to you!!! Yes some things may have been erased but GOD HAS NEW THINGS in Store!
Speak Good things to your SPOUSE, Speak Good things into your GOALS, FEED into Your Neighbor, Pray for Strangers you see and meet on the spot! You May be Tempted to say I don’t have this or that………….but SOAR, SOAR INTO ALL The NEW Things God has for You! I saw this quote on my Calendar “You JUST CANT BEAT THE PERSON WHO NEVER GIVES UP” – Babe Ruth!
Live Now, Live On, Love Life and Remember- It’s the Simple Things That Count!! Love You More, Pastor Bev!
Beverly and her husband Danny Robinson have served as Senior Pastors of Life Fellowship Church since 1984. These years of ministry have been filled with an intense love for this church and this community. Pastors Danny and Beverly have a genuine love for people and desire to see lives changed for Christ. Their desire is to share His great love, wisdom and power with YOU!
Life Fellowship Church
611 Little School Rd.
Kennedale, TX 76060
(817) 478-0428
Worship Times – Sundays: 10:00a